Rising Leopard Deaths in Junnar Raise Concerns Over Territorial Strife and Ecosystem Fragility

Forest Officials Highlight Urgent Need for Conservation Measures Amidst Surging Mortality Rates

The Junnar forest division grapples with a troubling surge in leopard deaths, primarily attributed to escalating territorial conflicts and ecological imbalances prevailing in the region. Forest authorities emphasize the critical need for proactive conservation efforts to address these pressing challenges and ensure the survival of these majestic predators.

Over the past two years, the Junnar forest division has witnessed a distressing increase in leopard fatalities, with territorial disputes emerging as a leading cause of mortality. Sub-adult leopards, aged between eight months and one-and-a-half years, bear the brunt of these confrontations, often lacking the necessary grooming and hunting skills to navigate such conflicts successfully.

Approximately 18 deaths of sub-adult leopards have been reported in recent years, primarily stemming from territorial fights exacerbated by the absence of a comprehensive mitigation plan. The Manchar forest range, in particular, has become a focal point of such conflicts, characterized by nocturnal skirmishes that pose significant challenges for prevention efforts.

Furthermore, the survival rates of leopard cubs are alarmingly low, with only a fraction managing to endure the harsh realities of their environment. Factors such as starvation and adverse weather conditions compound the challenges faced by these vulnerable creatures, emphasizing the urgency of habitat conservation and restoration initiatives.

The rising incidence of leopard deaths underscores the urgent need for holistic conservation strategies to address habitat loss and prey scarcity within the Junnar forest division. By prioritizing ecological restoration and wildlife management efforts, authorities can mitigate human-wildlife conflicts and promote the coexistence of humans and leopards in the region.

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