Disruption in Pune’s Citizens’ Facility Centres: Impacts on Aadhar Enrolment and Updation Processes

The inconvenience faced by citizens due to the non-functioning of 91 citizens’ facility centres since June 1 has brought Aadhaar enrolment and updation processes to a standstill. The district information office has confirmed that these centres have been non-operational for the past two weeks.

Manoj Jadhav, the Aadhaar coordinator for Pune district, acknowledged the issue, stating, “It is true that several citizens’ facility centres have not been functioning for the last two weeks. This is not a district-level problem but an issue with the central system. However, we expect that most of these centres will resume operations within the next two days.”

Jadhav further explained that operators at these centres have undergone knowledge updation training conducted by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), and they will receive certificates for completing the training. Two centres have already resumed operations, and it is anticipated that the remaining centres will become functional within the next two to three days.

Citizens, on the other hand, have been inconvenienced by the situation. Prashant Bahirat, a citizen seeking to update his Aadhaar and link his mobile number, shared his experience, stating, “I visited two citizens’ facility centres for updating my Aadhaar and linking my mobile number. However, both centres informed me to return after two days.”

Citizen, expressed frustration, saying, “I want to link my mobile number to my Aadhaar, but the staff at the citizens’ facility centres are asking me to visit after a few days as the centres are not functional.”

An anonymous operator from one of the citizens’ facility centres disclosed, “We received training for only one day. However, they have closed the centres temporarily for training and uploading our certificates. Every day, we have more than 30 to 40 citizens visiting the centre with inquiries, and we are unable to provide them with a satisfactory response.”

The non-functioning of citizens’ facility centres since June 1 has caused significant inconvenience to citizens in Pune. While efforts are being made to resolve the issue and bring the centres back online, citizens are advised to keep a check on the operational status of the centres before planning any Aadhaar-related activities.

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