Attempted Self-Immolation Drama Unfolds: Bar Owner Accuses Police of Extortion

Satyawan Houshiram Gawade’s Desperate Act Highlights Alleged Police Corruption in Wagholi

In a startling turn of events, Satyawan Houshiram Gawade, the owner of New Pyasa bar and restaurant in Ubale Nagar, Wagholi, attempted to set himself on fire in front of the Lonikand Police Station. Gawade’s dramatic action, along with his staffer Ram Ashokrao Gajmal, was met with swift police intervention, resulting in the filing of a case against him under IPC sections 506 and 309.

According to police reports, Gawade’s drastic step was purportedly fueled by frustration stemming from alleged demands by local police for a monthly bribe of ₹10,000 to ensure the smooth operation of his establishment. Gawade asserted his possession of all valid permits for operating the bar but claimed that Seema Dhakane, a Crime Police inspector, persistently demanded money from him.

Vijay Kumar Magar, DCP, responded to the incident by stating, “The said bar owner was found operating beyond the permissible timings. Considering restrictions of imposition of section 144, our police took necessary action against him.” Magar assured that the police are investigating the allegations made by Gawade and will take appropriate actions based on their findings.

The incident sheds light on the challenges faced by business owners in navigating regulatory frameworks and the potential risks of encountering corruption within law enforcement agencies.

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