Justice AK Sikri Stresses the Vital Role of Feminist Perspective in Disabled Rights

Justice Arjan Kumar Sikri, former Supreme Court judge, delivered a compelling address at the Mission Accessibility Annual Day, shedding light on the critical need for empathy and sensitization in the fight for disabled rights. Titled “Creating The RPWD Generation From Principle To Practice,” his speech lauded organizations like Mission Accessibility while emphasizing the significance of a feminist perspective in ensuring justice for the disabled community.

Justice Sikri’s Insights on Disability Rights

In his thought-provoking speech, Justice Sikri navigated through various facets of disability rights, drawing attention to their theoretical underpinnings and practical execution. The address was divided into several key segments, each shedding light on a crucial aspect of the disability rights movement.

1. The Evolution of Disability Rights: Justice Sikri provided a historical context, illustrating the transformation of disability rights into a global human rights concern. He highlighted the substantial progress in raising awareness about disability rights, showcasing the evolution from previous decades.

2. Disability Rights under the Indian Constitution: The former Supreme Court judge delved into the intersection of disability rights with the Indian constitution and how they connect with international principles of equality. He discussed the comprehensive statutory framework that outlines the spectrum of rights for disabled individuals.

3. The Role of Courts in Upholding Disability Rights: Justice Sikri explored the pivotal role that courts play in aligning disability rights with the fundamental concept of human dignity. He stressed the urgency of translating legal provisions into practical outcomes, as many directives remain confined to paper.

4. Pathways to Attain Disability Rights: Justice Sikri outlined pragmatic pathways for achieving disability rights, acknowledging the challenges involved in turning legal provisions into tangible realities. He underscored the necessity of actionable strategies to drive real change.

Key Strategies for the Future

Justice Sikri’s address didn’t stop at raising awareness but also proposed concrete strategies for the future. He emphasized two crucial approaches:

  1. Specialized Disability Rights Programs: Justice Sikri advocated for the incorporation of disability rights programs into judicial academies. These programs would sensitize judges to the unique challenges and rights of disabled individuals.
  2. Specialized Benches: Justice Sikri proposed the establishment of specialized benches within the judicial system, solely dedicated to handling disability rights cases. This would ensure a more focused approach to resolving these complex issues.

Celebrating Accessibility Trailblazers

The Mission Accessibility Annual Day also featured an “Award Ceremony: Trailblazers in Accessibility.” Notable honorees included Netflix, recognized as an “Accessible Private Sector Organization,” the Delhi High Court, lauded as an “Accessible Public Sector Organization,” and Union Bank, celebrated as “A Leading Example of Disabled-Led Change.”

A Call for Societal Transformation

Justice Sikri’s address resounded as a clarion call for a fundamental shift in societal attitudes towards individuals with disabilities. He stressed the critical importance of practical change in the pursuit of disability rights, underlining that it’s not merely theoretical principles but tangible actions that will truly make a difference.

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