No Stampede at Jejuri Temple, Four Devotees Suffered Minor Injuries While Waiting in Line for Darshan: Pune ZP

The Pune Zila Parishad has addressed the reports of a stampede-like situation at Jejuri temple on Monday, clarifying that there was no such incident. However, officials have confirmed that four devotees standing in the queue for ‘darshan’ did suffer minor injuries and are currently receiving treatment at the hospital.

Earlier, news had surfaced claiming a stampede-like situation during ‘Somavati Amavasya’ at Jejuri temple, stating that people were injured and over 4 lakh devotees were present at the temple. However, the ZP officials have officially denied any stampede-like situation.

In an official statement, the Pune ZP clarified, “A news is circulating that there was a ‘stampede’ at Jejuri yesterday. We wish to clarify that there was no stampede. A stampede is defined as a situation in which a large number of people start running in the same direction due to a single trigger.”

The statement further explained, “Around 2 PM yesterday (on Monday), four devotees who were waiting in line for their darshan suffered minor injuries in the form of blunt trauma. The 108 Emergency Services were immediately deployed, and two patients, aged about 23 and 30 years, were promptly shifted to Jejuri Rural Hospital. After receiving initial treatment and stabilization, they were transferred to Anandi Hospital in Jejuri. Our medical teams are in constant communication with the treating doctors, and all patients are stable and not in any form of danger. They are receiving the best possible medical care.”

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