Controversy Erupts Over ‘Joyville’: Former Deputy Sarpanch Speaks Out

In a recent development, Rahul Shewale, the former deputy sarpanch of Shewalewadi and a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party, has lodged a formal complaint with the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) and the District Collector of Pune, highlighting the environmental concerns arising from the ongoing construction of the Shapoorji Pallonji Group’s ‘Joyville’ project.

Shewale contends that the construction activities associated with ‘Joyville’ have led to a significant increase in both air and noise pollution within the vicinity of Shewalewadi. In his plea to authorities, he calls for an immediate halt to the construction, citing the adverse effects on the health and well-being of the local residents.

The complaint, further alleges that the construction company has indiscriminately cut down a substantial number of trees in the area. Additionally, the influx of trucks transporting construction materials has surged, contributing to the environmental degradation. The construction work extending into the late hours of the night has become a source of disturbance for the residents, leading to disrupted sleep patterns and an upswing in respiratory ailments.

Highlighting the urgency of the matter, the complaint draws attention to the High Court of Bombay’s acknowledgment of the rapidly deteriorating air quality in Pune, emphasizing the need for immediate intervention to mitigate the escalating environmental concerns.

In response to the allegations, a spokesperson for the Shapoorji Pallonji Group conveyed the company’s commitment to environmental sustainability and community welfare. The spokesperson stated, “At Joyville Shapoorji Housing, our dedication to environmental sustainability and community well-being is unwavering.” They emphasized the implementation of stringent measures to control dust emissions, advanced construction methodologies to minimize noise, and investments in technologies reducing the project’s overall environmental footprint. The spokesperson affirmed the company’s strict adherence to all governing laws and regulations.

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