PM Modi Encourages YouTubers to Champion Cleanliness, Digital Payments, and ‘Vocal for Local’ Campaign

Prime Minister Modi Calls on YouTubers to Drive Social Change

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called upon YouTubers to use their platforms to promote awareness about cleanliness, digital payments, and the ‘Vocal for Local’ campaign. During the YouTube FanFest India event, the Prime Minister stressed the need to awaken the nation and initiate a transformative movement.

Harnessing the Power of Content Creators

Prime Minister Modi, who has maintained a connection with the country and the world through YouTube for 15 years, acknowledged the significant influence content creators hold over people. He urged them to enhance the impact of their content and emphasized the collective strength of teaching and explaining crucial concepts to millions of individuals.

A Commitment to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

Expressing his satisfaction with engaging with hundreds of thousands of students via YouTube, PM Modi highlighted topics such as managing exam stress, handling expectations, and boosting productivity. He emphasized the importance of continuing the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission) and making cleanliness a national priority. YouTubers were urged to motivate more people to adopt digital payment methods and educate them in straightforward terms through their videos.

Championing Local Products and Artisans

Addressing the ‘Vocal for Local’ campaign, which promotes local products and the remarkable skills of artisans, Prime Minister Modi encouraged YouTubers to use their creative platforms to endorse these products and artisans. By doing so, they can raise awareness and garner support for local businesses, contributing to India’s self-reliance and economic growth.

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