Love Without Expectations: Gen Z’s NATO Trend Reshapes Relationship Narratives

The year 2023 has been a roller coaster ride, especially for relationships and dating. The new generation, aka Gen Z, is rewriting the ways of dating and breaking norms in a way that may or may not be to the liking of other generations. However, to each their own, right?

As per Tinder’s annual ‘Year in Swipe’ report, it has been noted that this young generation wants to date without any expectations. They want to go ahead, date, and make experiences without caring about the outcome. That has given rise to the dating trend of NATO.

What is the NATO dating trend?

For people confusing this dating trend with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, don’t worry. It is not as hardcore as you think it is. This dating trend, also known as ‘Not Attached To An Outcome,’ is pretty self-explanatory. The Tinder report added, “Young singles are focusing on the connection and are N.A.T.O (not attached to outcomes). In fact, over a quarter (27%) of 18-25-year-olds using Tinder’s Relationship Type feature say they are “open to exploring,” and 22% using the Relationship Goals feature say they are “still figuring it out.”

“In India, a similar trend emerged where a quarter (25%) are ‘open to exploring,’ and 65% are ‘still figuring it out.’ So taking an open approach allowed them to meet new people without closing themselves off from all the possibilities that come from putting yourself out there.”

This sort of dating is leading many to feel free to seek more opportunities without being closed off just because there is no desired outcome.

About this and many other new trends, Dr. Chandni Tugnait, Life Coach, and Relationship Expert partner with Tinder India says, “This year we witnessed a shift in dating with young singles becoming the authors of their own romantic narratives. For them, it was more about letting experiences unfold naturally without the weight of expectations, rigid plans, and labels. Doing it for the plot encourages young singles to embrace openness to new experiences and say yes to opportunities they might otherwise overlook. Shifting away from outcome-focused dating, this reflects a move towards viewing the dating journey as a path to self-discovery, not just a checklist for commitment.”

While this may be a pretty great deal for the younger generation, can Millennials who may be at the age of marrying or at an age of settling down want to go ahead with this? Let us know in the comments section.

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