Is Your Home Aligned with Vastu Principles? A Comprehensive Guide

A recent survey conducted by revealed that approximately 80% of home buyers prefer Vastu-compliant homes. Recognizing this trend, developers are increasingly highlighting Vastu compliance in their new projects. But what does it mean for a home to be Vastu compliant, and why is it so important to buyers?

Understanding Vastu Compliance

Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian science of architecture, focuses on creating a harmonious living environment. To ensure your home is Vastu compliant, specific guidelines must be followed. For instance, the bedroom should ideally be in the south-west direction, the bathroom in the north-west, the kitchen in the south-east, and the lobby in the north-east. Adhering to these directions is believed to promote a stress-free living environment.

The Growing Trend of Vastu in Real Estate

The days when amenities like private swimming pools and clubhouses were the main attractions for home buyers are fading. Today, Vastu compliance is a key selling point. In metropolitan cities, real estate developers frequently advertise Vastu compliance as a significant feature of their projects.

Home buyers now consider Vastu Shastra an essential criterion before finalizing a home. According to the survey, about 82% of buyers are willing to consider Vastu-compliant homes, with many ready to pay up to 10% more for a house built according to Vastu principles.

What Does ‘Vastu Compliant’ Mean?

Rameshwar Prasad, director of Vastu International, explains, “Vastu is an ancient science of architecture that creates a harmonious setting in a residence or workplace through careful planning. The three most important aspects include the direction of the entrance, the water source, and electrical points.”

  1. Entrance Direction: The entrance should ideally be in the north, east, or north-east direction to attract positive energy.
  2. Water Source Direction: Water sources should also be located in the north, east, or north-east.
  3. Electrical Points: Electrical points should be situated in the south-east or north-west to balance the elements of water and fire.

Developers’ Approach to Vastu

Developers like Abhay Kumar of Griha Pravesh Buildteck emphasize the importance of natural light and airflow in their projects. “If the balance of air and sunlight is not naturally present, we use computer simulation technology to establish it in all the towers,” says Kumar.

Buyer Preferences

The preference for Vastu-compliant homes is evident. Kumar adds, “Owning a house is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for most of us. If a buyer is investing Rs 1-2 crore, then perfection in every sense is what he expects. About 90% of buyers prefer Vastu-compliant projects, typically avoiding homes with an entrance facing south.”

Making an Informed Decision

If you are planning to invest in a new home, considering Vastu compliance can be beneficial. If you already own a home that isn’t Vastu compliant, don’t worry—there are quick tips and adjustments you can make to align your living space more closely with Vastu principles.

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