“Bridging Borders: Bangladesh Aims to Increase Indian Film Screenings in Theatres

Bangladesh’s Information and Broadcasting Minister, Muhammad Hasan Mahmud, announced on Thursday that the country is working to facilitate its people to watch more Indian films in theatres. Speaking at the 5th Bangladesh Film Festival held in Kolkata’s Nandan complex, Mahmud emphasized the need for enhanced cultural exchanges between India and Bangladesh.

Mahmud expressed his delight upon learning about the overwhelming response to the Bangladeshi film “Haowa,” which resulted in an 800-meter-long queue outside Nandan. He highlighted the commonalities shared by both nations, stating that the same cloud sheds rain in both countries, and no barbed wire can weaken the bond between their hearts.

The minister acknowledged the growing popularity of music videos and web series from both countries and stressed the importance of not restricting such cultural exchanges. He further revealed that the Bangladeshi government is actively working to enable its citizens to watch more Indian films in theaters, having already facilitated the release of ten Hindi films in Bangladesh.

Addressing a common challenge faced by both India and Bangladesh, Mahmud mentioned the closure of single screens and the rise of multiplexes. He called for joint efforts to combat this trend.

Bratya Basu, the Education Minister of West Bengal, also present at the event, emphasized the significance of literary works in transcending political barriers and fostering cultural harmony.

Renowned director Goutam Ghosh, who also attended the festival, expressed hope that the people of Kolkata would enjoy Bangladeshi films.

The festival will screen twenty-four films, including titles like “Radio,” “Gunin,” and “Beauty Circus,” at Nandan complex until July 31st, showcasing the diverse cinematic creations from Bangladesh to Indian audiences.

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