Accused of Delhi’s Biggest Theft Used Google Maps and YouTube to Plan the Crime

In a startling revelation, it has come to light that the individuals accused of perpetrating Delhi’s largest jewelry theft meticulously planned their crime by harnessing the power of modern technology. The daring heist occurred at Umrao Singh Jewelers in Bhogal, Delhi, and involved a meticulously crafted plan that relied on Google Maps and YouTube to prepare for the audacious act.

The Crime and the Preparation

The accused, who are alleged to have carried out the colossal theft, embarked on their criminal enterprise with meticulous planning. Utilizing the digital prowess of Google Maps, they meticulously charted a map of the jewelry showroom and its surroundings in Bhogal, Delhi. This virtual mapping allowed them to gain an intricate understanding of the target location.

Moreover, the accused turned to YouTube as a valuable resource to gather critical information regarding Umrao Jewelers. By scouring online videos and tutorials, they collected vital insights and knowledge essential for their unlawful mission.

The Accused’s Statement

During their subsequent police interrogation, the accused divulged the details of their carefully orchestrated plan. They disclosed that they had rented a room in Bilaspur to serve as a hideout for the stolen goods, and only one of them, Shiva, was privy to the location.

Additionally, it was revealed that they employed Google Maps to gather information about nearby buildings surrounding Umrao Jewellers. With the aid of this digital map, they devised a path that enabled them to access the showroom’s rooftop. Once on the terrace, they used the meticulously crafted map to navigate through the showroom during the time of the crime, evading detection.

Remarkably, the accused confessed that they acquired their map-making skills from instructional videos on YouTube.

The Arrest and Recovery

The arrest of the accused was not without its own dramatic twists. Initially, the police apprehended one of the suspects, Shiva. However, during interrogation, Shiva disclosed that Lokesh, the other accused, had secured a rented room to conceal the stolen valuables. When the police arrived at the rented room with Shiva, they discovered that Lokesh had already vacated the premises.

Undeterred, the police decided to stake out the location, waiting for Lokesh’s return. They maintained vigil for an astounding six hours in a secluded area of Bilaspur. Under the cover of darkness, Lokesh finally returned to the room, where he was promptly apprehended. Upon inspecting the room, the police made a startling discovery – the stolen goods were hidden within.

Legal Proceedings

The Bilaspur police will present Lokesh and his accomplice in court on Tuesday. The Delhi Police will file a petition requesting custody of the accused. It is anticipated that the police will take Lokesh into custody on Tuesday, facilitating further investigation into the entire incident.

In summary, the accused individuals behind Delhi’s monumental jewelry theft leveraged modern technology, including Google Maps and YouTube, to meticulously plan and execute their audacious crime. Their arrest, while marked by dramatic moments, underscores the importance of law enforcement’s determination in bringing criminals to justice.

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