Transparency and Accountability: Sassoon Hospital Introduces Stringent SOPs

In response to recent incidents involving alleged malpractice, Sassoon General Hospital (SGH) in Pune has introduced stringent new standard operating procedures (SOPs) for its casualty ward. These measures, formulated by a committee appointed by Dr. Chandrakant Mhaske, the newly appointed dean of BJ Medical College (BJMC), aim to enhance transparency, efficiency, and accountability in hospital operations.

Addressing Concerns

The decision to revamp SOPs comes in the wake of the suspension and arrest of two doctors and a staff member over allegations of manipulating blood samples from a minor involved in a fatal car crash in Kalyaninagar on May 19. The incident prompted swift action from hospital authorities, underscoring the need for comprehensive reforms to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

New Procedures in Effect

The five-member committee, led by Dr. Murlidhar Tambe from the Preventive and Social Medicine (PSM) department, formulated a set of SOPs designed to bolster oversight and accountability within the casualty ward. These protocols, slated to be implemented from Tuesday, encompass various aspects of hospital operations, including sample collection, staff training, and medication management.

Key Components of the SOPs

Among the notable provisions outlined in the SOPs is the creation of a new role, the Chief Casualty Medical Officer (CMO), tasked with overseeing operations within the casualty ward. Additionally, measures will be implemented to ensure transparent sample collection procedures for medicolegal cases, with samples sent directly to forensic laboratories for analysis.

Enhanced Training and Preparedness

Recognizing the importance of staff readiness in handling emergency situations, the SOPs mandate refresher training for emergency department personnel, supplemented by mock drills to assess preparedness levels. Furthermore, the drug store will be staffed round the clock, with a three-month supply of essential medications stocked at all times to ensure uninterrupted patient care.

Commitment to Oversight and Security

Dr. Mhaske emphasized the appointment of senior doctors as Chief CMOs, responsible for providing regular updates to hospital management regarding casualty ward operations. To bolster security measures, the rotation of security personnel will be enforced regularly, with additional personnel deployed to sensitive areas to enhance surveillance and deter unauthorized activities.

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