Pune Weather Update: Light to Moderate Rainfall Expected, Isolated Heavy Rainfall in Ghat Sections

The latest weather forecast from local meteorological authorities predicts generally cloudy skies with intermittent rain for Pune and its neighboring regions. Covering the period from June 21 to June 27, the forecast anticipates light to moderate rainfall, with isolated instances of heavy rain, especially in the ghat areas.

Weather Forecast for Pune and Surrounding Areas

Starting today, Pune will experience a maximum temperature of around 30°C and a minimum temperature of around 23°C. Similar weather patterns are expected in surrounding areas such as Pashan, Lohegaon, Chinchwad, Lavale, Magarpatta, NDA, and Koregaon Park. From June 21 to June 25, the weather will be mostly cloudy with occasional light rain. As the week progresses, rainfall is expected to become heavier, particularly in the hilly areas, where isolated heavy rain is likely.

Increased Rainfall in Ghat Areas

Residents in the ghat areas should be particularly cautious on June 24 and 25 due to a higher probability of heavy rainfall according to the forecast. The trend is expected to peak on June 27, with intermittent rain and the possibility of heavy to very heavy rainfall in isolated areas in the ghats.

Safety Precautions and Recommendations

The meteorological department advises residents and visitors in these regions to stay updated on weather conditions and take necessary precautions. The combination of cloudy skies and occasional heavy rainfall can lead to reduced visibility and potential disruptions in daily activities, especially in the more vulnerable ghat areas.

  • Travel Caution: Commuters are urged to plan their journeys accordingly and remain vigilant of any weather advisories issued during this period.
  • Stay Informed: Regularly check weather updates to stay informed about changing conditions.
  • Safety Measures: Those living in or traveling to the ghat areas should be prepared for possible weather-related disruptions and ensure they have the necessary supplies and safety measures in place.


The upcoming week in Pune will be characterized by generally cloudy skies and intermittent rainfall, with a significant increase in rainfall expected towards the end of the week, particularly in the ghat areas. By staying informed and prepared, residents and visitors can navigate the weather conditions safely.

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