Pune: Successful Completion of Katraj Lake Desilting Project Enhances Water Storage Capacity

Katraj, 10th July 2023: Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has accomplished a significant desilting operation at Katraj Lake, aimed at combatting silt accumulation and increasing the lake’s water storage capacity. The project, located within Rajiv Gandhi Zoo, spanned a month and involved the removal of 10,000 cubic meters of sludge, resulting in a remarkable boost to the lake’s capacity, now capable of storing up to 10 million liters of water.

In addition to the desilting efforts, PMC has taken proactive measures to address the issue of polluted water inflow, which had contributed to the accumulation of silt. A dedicated drainage line has been established to prevent the entry of polluted water and effluent waste into the lake, ensuring cleaner water quality.

The initiative was initiated by Additional Commissioner Kunal Khemnar, who assigned the responsibility of desilting to the solid waste management department. “To maintain water quality standards, we installed two equipment units inside the lake, each with a capacity of two million liters per day. We utilized heavy machinery and bulldozers to efficiently remove the silt, resulting in a substantial augmentation of the lake’s water capacity by one crore liters,” explained Khemnar.

To ensure consistent water levels, particularly during the monsoon season, an activated pumping station has been set up and will be managed by the electric department.

While there have been concerns raised by local residents about the PMC’s past negligence in maintaining and cleaning the lake, which led to widespread garbage dumping and the presence of mosquitoes in the area, social activist Mahesh Jankar remains optimistic about the future of Katraj Lake. “The recent desilting work has significantly increased the lake’s water capacity by at least ten million liters per day,” Jankar acknowledged.

“By putting an end to the direct flow of sewage water into the lake and implementing these improvements, we are hopeful that Katraj Lake will soon regain its former beauty and pristine character,” Jankar added.

The completion of the desilting project at Katraj Lake showcases PMC’s commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable water management. With enhanced water storage capacity and measures in place to prevent pollution, the lake is poised to become a vibrant ecosystem and a cherished recreational spot for the community.

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