PMC to Conduct Comprehensive Inspections of Legal Hoardings in Pune Following Norm Violation in Shivajinagar

The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has taken a proactive step to inspect all legal hoardings across the city to ensure strict compliance with installation norms and regulations. This decision comes in response to a recent incident in Shivajinagar where a hoarding was found to be in violation of the established norms. The PMC aims to maintain order and safety in the city by enforcing regulations governing outdoor advertising.

Addressing Violations

In the past, the PMC has encountered instances where certain hoardings exceeded the permitted size limitations. To address these violations, appropriate actions were taken against the hoarding owners. However, these incidents have raised concerns among PMC officials, prompting them to conduct a comprehensive inspection of all legal hoardings throughout the city.

Ensuring Rule Adherence

The primary objective of these inspections is to ensure that hoarding owners adhere to the prescribed rules and regulations. There is a growing concern that some hoarding owners may not be complying with the necessary guidelines, which could potentially compromise public safety and aesthetic standards. To mitigate these risks, the PMC is committed to conducting thorough inspections and taking necessary actions against those found in violation of the rules.

Previous Violations: Tree Cutting and Visibility

In the past, instances were reported where hoarding owners engaged in unauthorized tree cutting to enhance the visibility of their advertisements. Such actions not only raised environmental concerns but also violated municipal regulations. The PMC has been vigilant in addressing these issues to uphold the city’s green cover and preserve the urban environment.

Total Hoardings and Awareness

According to official records, there are a total of 2,348 legal hoardings in Pune that have been granted permission for installation. Hoarding owners were made aware of the requisite rules and guidelines during the installation process. To further enhance safety measures, the PMC previously urged hoarding owners to conduct structural audits of their hoardings regularly, thus reducing the risk of structural failures.

Prior Accidents and Safety Concerns

In recent years, Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad have witnessed two major accidents involving iron hoardings. These accidents resulted in tragic loss of lives and highlighted the critical importance of enforcing safety standards for outdoor advertising structures. The PMC’s commitment to conducting inspections aims to prevent such incidents and protect the well-being of the city’s residents.

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