Lokshahi, Marathi News Channel, Faces 30-Day Suspension: A Second Blow for the Independent Outlet

In a major setback for the popular Marathi news channel Lokshahi, the Union Information and Broadcasting (I&B) Ministry has ordered a 30-day suspension of its operations. This move comes as the channel allegedly failed to submit crucial documents related to its operations. It marks the second instance of the channel being taken off air in the last six months, raising concerns about media freedom and government scrutiny.

Challenges for Lokshahi: A History of Struggles with Regulatory Authorities

Lokshahi, known for its independent and impartial news coverage, faced a similar suspension in July 2023 when it reported on an alleged “Objectional Video” involving BJP leader Kirit Somaiya. However, the current suspension is distinct, as it is based on the channel’s purported failure to submit necessary documents pertaining to its operational structure.

Kamlesh Sutar, the editor-in-chief of Lokshahi, expressed his dissatisfaction with the decision, stating, “This is the first instance in history where a channel has been asked to shut down for 30 days. We will not be cowed down and intend to fight it legally.” Sutar highlighted that the channel had always presented news and facts impartially, earning appreciation from the public despite not being in the government’s favor.

Reasons Behind the Suspension: Document Submission and Partnership Structure

The I&B Ministry contends that Lokshahi failed to submit essential documents related to the channel’s operations. Additionally, objections were raised regarding the partnership structure, with the licence reportedly in the name of one partner while another managed the operations. Sutar claimed that the channel was in the process of rectifying this structure, but the suspension was implemented before the necessary changes could be made.

Legal Battle Looms: Lokshahi Vows to Challenge the Suspension

Facing a 30-day suspension, Lokshahi vows to fight the decision legally. Sutar asserted that the channel’s shutdown is a harsh decision, especially considering that numerous firms with different partnership structures have not faced similar actions. The editor-in-chief emphasized the channel’s commitment to delivering factual reportage and criticized what he perceives as an attempt to stifle independent media.

Continued Digital Presence: Lokshahi Plans to Persist Amid Suspension

Despite the suspension, Lokshahi reassures its audience that digital operations will continue. The channel remains active on YouTube, ensuring that its news coverage and strong views on governance-related issues persist despite the regulatory challenges.

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