License Limbo: Over 1.3 Lakh Punekars Stranded Without Permanent Driving Permits

Pune, December 29, 2023: More than 1.3 lakh individuals in Pune faced disappointment this year as they failed to secure a permanent driver’s license despite obtaining learning licenses. The Pune Regional Transport Office (RTO) discloses a noteworthy gap between the number of learning licenses issued and the corresponding issuance of permanent driving licenses.

Sanjeev Bhor, Deputy Commissioner of Pune RTO, shared crucial data highlighting the disparity. Out of the 2,63,595 learning licenses issued in 2023, only 1,29,693 individuals successfully acquired permanent licenses for two-wheelers, four-wheelers, or both. A staggering 1,33,902 learning license holders did not progress to obtaining a permanent driving license.

Deputy Commissioner Sanjeev Bhor explained, “When a person obtains a learning license, the window for applying and acquiring a permanent driving license is within 1 to 6 months from the issuance of the learning license. Failing to do so necessitates reapplication for the learning license. Often, individuals holding learning licenses do not apply for a permanent driving license within the stipulated timeframe. Reasons for this discrepancy vary, ranging from a lack of urgency to sheer negligence. Consequently, the period for obtaining a permanent license expires, leading to the observed difference in the number of learning and permanent license holders.”

The Phugewadi RTO office on Alandi Road serves as the testing location for two-wheeler permanent license applicants, while the IDTR test track near Bhosari Phata Chowk is designated for four-wheeler permanent license applicants.

The Central Institute of Road Transport (CIRT), established in March 2015, oversees the IDTR track. The institute provides a testing ground for applicants to demonstrate their driving skills on three distinct-shaped tracks: an ‘8’-shaped track for turning, an H-shaped stretch for reverse driving, and a gradient track to assess the ability to handle a vehicle on an incline or slope.

As the year comes to an end, the Pune RTO encourages learning license holders to prioritize obtaining their permanent driving licenses to ensure road safety and compliance.

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