Beyond Textbooks: PCMC’s ‘Bharat Darshan’ Explores the Frontiers of Learning

In a bid to honor and celebrate academic brilliance, the Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC) has orchestrated a distinctive ‘Bharat Darshan’ study tour for 19 outstanding students from civic schools. Recognizing their exceptional performance in the class 5 and 8th scholarship exams conducted during the academic years 2021-22 and 2022-23, these students embark on a week-long educational exploration of South India.

The journey commenced on Sunday, November 19, with PCMC Commissioner Shri Shekhar Singh extending his heartfelt wishes to the students through an audio message, emphasizing the significance of this educational odyssey.

The send-off ceremony, attended by PCMC Additional Commissioner Pradip Jambhale-Patil, Assistant Commissioner Vijaykumar Thorat, and Director of the Akanksha Foundation Jayashree Oberoi, marked a momentous occasion in the academic journey of these students.

These bright minds, who achieved district-level rankings and scholarship distinctions, are set to unravel the cultural tapestry of Bengaluru, Mysore, Ooty, and Coimbatore. The carefully planned itinerary combines academic enrichment with historical and cultural immersion, providing a multifaceted learning experience for the students.

Accompanying the students on this educational escapade are seven dedicated teachers who played a pivotal role in guiding them through their scholarship exam preparations. Beyond sightseeing, the tour offers a rare opportunity for the students to visit esteemed academic institutions and engage with scientists from prestigious organizations such as the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the Indian Institute of Science.

PCMC Commissioner Shekhar Singh expressed the vision behind this commendable initiative, stating, “We believe in recognizing and rewarding academic excellence, placing children and their holistic development at the forefront. This initiative reflects PCMC’s commitment to enhancing the city’s educational landscape of public schools.”

The ‘Bharat Darshan’ study tour exemplifies PCMC’s commitment to fostering a culture of academic achievement and holistic development among the students of civic schools. As these young minds embark on a journey of exploration and learning, the initiative is poised to leave a lasting impact on their educational aspirations and ambitions.

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