Legacy of Generosity: Bob’s Red Mill Founder Bequeaths Entire Business to 700 Employees

In a poignant move that defies conventional business practices, Bob Moore, the visionary behind the renowned Bob’s Red Mill, passed away on February 10, leaving behind a legacy of generosity and employee empowerment. Before his demise at the age of 94, Moore ensured that his company, celebrated for its whole grain products, would be fully owned by its 700 employees rather than being sold to a corporate conglomerate.

Moore’s Vision for Employee Ownership

Having previously implemented an employee stock ownership plan on his 81st birthday in 2010, Moore extended his commitment to his workforce by granting complete ownership to the then-209 employees. By April 2020, the company had expanded to 700 employees, all of whom became co-owners through this unique ownership structure. Moore, a firm believer in prioritizing the interests of workers over traditional business models, aimed to create an environment where success was shared collectively.

A Testament to Kindness and Hard Work

Quoting his favorite Bible scripture, Matthew 7:12, Moore shared, “I learned almost 70 years ago how integral hard work and kindness is to success.” Rejecting numerous offers to sell the company, he emphasized the importance of treating others as one would want to be treated, embodying a philosophy of benevolence and reciprocity.

Bob’s Red Mill: A Lifelong Dream Realized

Describing the company as “an absolute dream come true” in 2018, Moore expressed his love for the business, which he founded at the age of 49 after leaving early retirement. Despite having stepped down in 2018, he continued to serve as a board member until his passing. Moore attributed his success to maintaining a steadfast focus on his principles and true north throughout a lifetime marked by challenges and triumphs.

A Purposeful Legacy

Reflecting on his journey, Moore emphasized the need for purpose in one’s endeavors. Despite the company’s anticipated revenue surpassing $100 million in 2018 and its products reaching over 70 countries, Moore believed that financial success should be coupled with a deeper purpose.

As the business world mourns the loss of an iconic figure, Moore’s act of bequeathing his business to its employees stands as a testament to the enduring values of kindness, hard work, and a shared vision for success.

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