Elite Software Automation’s Brutal Rejection Email Sparks Backlash: A Lesson in Professionalism

A rejection email from US-based IT company Elite Software Automation is making waves on Reddit for its excessively rude and aggressive language. The email, which was sent to an applicant for the position of Frontend Software Engineer, has garnered attention for its harsh tone and unnecessary rebuking.

The rejection email, spanning over 400 words, informs the candidate that their application was declined due to scoring below the pass score. However, the tone takes a harsh turn when it threatens to blacklist the candidate permanently if they attempt to reapply for the same position before the end of the next year or seek a second chance.

Shared on a sub-Reddit on January 4, the screenshot of the rejection email has received over 18,000 upvotes and more than 3,800 comments, with users criticizing the company for its tasteless communication.

The email dismisses any potential excuses the candidate might have, stating, “If you were feeling unwell on the day of the test, or if you were rushing, or if your internet went out, or whatever other excuse you may have, it does not matter.” The rejection letter adopts a condescending tone, urging the candidate to toughen up and implying that dealing with rejection is an essential part of personal and professional development.

In response to the aggressive communication style, one Reddit user commented, “Jesus Christ, I would make sure to apply again just to make sure I GET blacklisted by this excuse of a company.” Others pointed out the irony of the situation, highlighting that the company’s own website appears to have technical issues, with one user noting, “Their company website literally cannot maintain a stable frame rate on my phone. That’s one hell of a rejection letter to be sent from a company who can’t even write a functioning web page.”

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining professionalism and respect in all communication, even in rejection emails.

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