Stay Ahead with Google Chrome’s Mobile Update: Check Out the Latest Features

Google Chrome, the popular web browser from tech giant Google, is receiving a significant update on its mobile apps for both Android and iOS platforms. This update brings a set of four new features that aim to enhance user experience and make it even easier for users to find the information they need while on the go. Let’s take a closer look at these exciting new features.

  1. Better Search Suggestions:

With this update, Google Chrome’s Android and iOS apps will provide users with more relevant search suggestions directly on the Chrome address bar. For instance, if you are reading an article about Japan and planning an upcoming trip, clicking on the address bar will display a new section labeled “Related to this page,” offering suggestions for other searches, such as local restaurants or tourist attractions in Japan. This feature streamlines the search process, making it faster and more intuitive for users to discover relevant information.

  1. See What’s Trending:

The new update also introduces a feature that allows users to view trending Google searches directly in the Chrome address bar. By opening a new tab and tapping the address bar, users can scroll down to see the latest trending topics. If a particular trending search catches their interest, they can click on it to view search results and learn more about the topic. This feature is currently available on the Android version of Google Chrome and is scheduled to arrive on iOS later this year.

  1. Touch to Search with Related Searches:

Google Chrome’s Android app has long offered a useful feature called “Touch to Search,” enabling users to quickly search for a specific word or phrase directly from a webpage. Now, this feature has been further improved by adding related searches to the mix. Suppose you encounter a topic while reading an article and wish to explore it further. In that case, the Touch to Search feature will present a carousel of related searches, enabling you to find more information about that topic quickly. This enhancement enhances the browsing experience and makes it more convenient to gather comprehensive details.

  1. More Search Suggestions:

Prior to this update, when users performed a search using Chrome’s address bar, they would see up to six search suggestions. However, with the latest update, Google is enriching this feature by presenting users with ten search suggestions instead. The improved algorithm ensures that the most relevant suggestions appear first, helping users access the information they seek more efficiently. Additionally, users can scroll to access more options beyond the initial ten suggestions. Initially available on Android, this feature is now being rolled out to iOS users as well.


As for the availability of these new features, Android users can already access the Touch to Search and More Search Suggestions features. The See What’s Trending feature is also available on the Android version and will soon be accessible on iOS. The Better Search Suggestions feature will be simultaneously available on both Android and iOS versions of Google Chrome later this year.

Google’s latest update for Chrome’s mobile apps brings several valuable features that enhance the search experience for users. From providing more relevant search suggestions to displaying trending topics and improving Touch to Search, these features exemplify Google’s commitment to optimizing its products for user convenience and efficiency. Whether you’re planning a trip, exploring trending topics, or seeking more information on a specific subject, Google Chrome on mobile now offers a more intuitive and robust browsing experience. So, keep an eye out for the update and make the most of these fantastic new additions!

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