Reclaiming Familiarity: A Quick Guide to Reverting Google Chrome’s Material You Redesign

For many users, the recent Material You redesign of Google Chrome, introduced on its 15th birthday, has sparked mixed feelings. While some appreciate the modern touch, others find themselves longing for the classic design they were accustomed to. If you’re among those yearning for the familiarity of the old Chrome look, fear not. This guide provides a simple solution to revert to the traditional design on any platform where Google Chrome is available.

As a longtime user, the redesign might not bother you, but sudden changes in visual experiences can be jarring, especially for those focused on multitasking or browsing for holiday gifts. The good news is that you’re not obligated to adapt to the new design. Here’s a step-by-step process to bring back the classic Chrome look:

  1. Open Google Chrome and type the following in the address bar: chrome://flags/#chrome-refresh-2023.
  2. Locate the setting named “Chrome Refresh 2023.”
  3. Change the option from the default to “Disabled.”
  4. Restart Google Chrome to apply the changes.
  5. Enjoy the return to the old familiar design on Mac, Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Fuchsia, and Lacros.

While this workaround allows you to stick to the classic design for now, keep in mind that Google may push the redesign to all users in the future. If you find yourself still unhappy with the changes, alternatives like Microsoft Edge, which supports all Chrome plugins seamlessly, remain an option.

As we navigate the evolving landscape of digital interfaces, having the flexibility to choose between classic and modern designs ensures a personalized user experience.

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