Instagram Adopts Snapchat’s Snitching Game: Screenshots of Stories No Longer a Secret

Instagram, the social media giant infamous for replicating Snapchat’s features, has once again borrowed a page from its rival’s playbook. The latest feature in the spotlight is a notification system that informs users when someone takes a screenshot of their stories, mirroring Snapchat’s longstanding functionality.

Copycat Chronicles

Instagram has a track record of mimicking Snapchat’s innovations, from the introduction of Stories to Face Filters. Despite criticism for its lack of originality, Instagram continues to borrow successful features from its competitors.

Screenshot Snitching

In Snapchat’s realm, users have long been accustomed to receiving notifications when someone captures a screenshot of their snaps. Now, Instagram has implemented a similar mechanism. If a user takes a screenshot of someone else’s story, Instagram discreetly places a starburst icon next to their handle in the viewers list. Additionally, Instagram issues a warning message to users: “Next time you take a screenshot or screen recording, the person who posted the story will be able to see.”

Workarounds and Limitations

Despite Instagram’s efforts to increase transparency, savvy users have already identified loopholes. Setting the phone to flight mode reportedly bypasses the alert system, enabling users to take screenshots undetected. Another workaround involves downloading stories directly from Instagram’s website, evading the notification feature.

It’s important to note that the new screenshot alert feature is being rolled out gradually, so not all Instagram users may have access to it immediately.

Instagram’s Evolution

Beyond the screenshot alert, Instagram has implemented various changes to enhance user engagement and interaction. In the previous month, the platform introduced an activity status within direct messages, allowing users to track the last time someone used the app.

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