Google’s Proposed Web Environment Integrity API Faces Criticism from Developers

Google is facing criticism from internet software developers over its Web Environment Integrity (WEI) API proposal on Chrome. Critics argue that the proposed standard restricts user freedom and goes against the core principles of an open web.

Developers from web browsers Vivaldi, Brave, and Firefox have taken a stance against Google’s WEI proposal, with some comparing it to digital rights management (DRM) for websites. The proposed WEI API introduces a trust mechanism for websites, enabling them to verify the authenticity of clients (browsers) and block insecure or fake interactions. This mechanism can help identify whether a website is being visited by a human or a bot and determine the trustworthiness of specific browsers on certain devices.

The stated goal of the WEI proposal is to assist websites in verifying the authenticity of the device and software stack from which they receive traffic, thereby protecting users from fraud by discouraging malicious online activities.

However, some developers have raised concerns about the potential dangers of the WEI API. J. Picalausa, the developer of the Vivaldi browser, called WEI “dangerous” because it allows an entity to decide which browsers are trusted and which are not, with no guarantee that any given browser will be trusted. He pointed out that any new browser would not be trusted by default until it demonstrates its trustworthiness to the discretion of the attesters.

On the other hand, the Brave browser team is unconcerned about this scenario, as its co-founder and CEO, Brendan Eich, confirmed that they do not intend to ship WEI.

Mozilla’s Firefox engineer, Brian Grinstead, also commented on the proposal, stating that Mozilla opposes it as it contradicts the company’s principles and vision for the web.

As of now, Google’s WEI API proposal is still in its early development stage. If all stakeholders agree to implement it, significant changes could be made to address the concerns raised by developers. The debate over the WEI API highlights the importance of considering user freedom and maintaining the open nature of the web in any proposed standards and APIs.

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