The Cosmic Feast: Fastest-Growing Black Hole Powers Distant Quasar

In a celestial revelation, an international team of astronomers unveils a distant quasar, previously misclassified as a star, that hosts a supermassive black hole engaging in an astronomical feast, consuming mass equivalent to one Sun-sized star daily.

A Quasar’s Luminous Evolution

Known as J0529-4351, this newly discovered quasar stands out as the brightest and fastest-growing in astronomical records. With a central supermassive black hole 17 billion times the Sun’s mass, the quasar’s luminosity and growth rate make it a celestial marvel.

Extreme Quasar: An Astrophysical Milestone

In a groundbreaking revelation, astronomers led by Christian Wolf from the Australian National University identify J0529-4351 as the most extreme quasar to date. The black hole at its core accumulates material at an unprecedented rate, akin to consuming the mass of 370 Sun-like stars annually.

Light from the Depths: Unveiling Quasar’s Brilliance

Situated so far away that its light takes 12 billion years to reach Earth, J0529-4351 emits energy equivalent to 500 trillion times the Sun’s luminosity. The feeding process, characterized by a seven-light-year-wide disc, highlights the immense energy release inherent in quasars.

Exploring the Cosmic Culinary: Mechanisms of Black Hole Feeding

As scientists unravel the mysteries behind the rapid material accumulation by black holes in quasars, the galactic merger theory gains traction. The collision of two galaxies might be the catalyst, providing an abundance of “food” for the black hole and contributing to its rapid growth.

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