Men Share How They Reacted When Their Crush, Ex Returned Once They Became Successful

In the intricate dance of relationships and success, the dynamics can take unexpected turns. A recent thread on Reddit delved into the experiences of men whose former crushes or ex-partners returned after witnessing their newfound success. The stories shared provide insights into the varied reactions and emotions that accompany such encounters.

The Reality of Relationships and Success

Relationships often face challenges, and one significant factor contributing to their complexities is the need for stability, both financial and otherwise. It’s not uncommon for individuals to part ways due to differences in their professional or financial standings. Some women seek successful partners and may end relationships or decline relationships based on these criteria.

However, what happens when a woman realizes the mistake of underestimating a man’s worth and decides to return after witnessing his success?

Men Share Their Reactions

Men on Reddit candidly shared their reactions when their “former one-sided love returned” after achieving success. The responses provide a spectrum of emotions and highlight the diverse ways individuals navigate such situations.

  1. “It’s going to be different for everybody, I suppose. I wasn’t mad. Wasn’t rude. Wasn’t happy. Wasn’t anything. Told her that ship had sailed. Because it had.” –reddit_bandito
  2. “I was appalled and lost what little respect I had for her. My reaction would’ve been one of indifference if she hadn’t made it so obvious.” –thenameclicks
  3. “Got married, she cheated, it nearly killed me, self-deletion. Divorce ruined me, lost the house, kids, and dealt with false allegations. Sold a lot of software code, rights and intellectual property rights. Made money on the sale, a lot of money. She came back asking to try again…She still asks to try again.” –akihonj
  4. “It was petty satisfaction but it felt really good when my ex started to text me trying to hookup after she saw the size of the engagement ring I bought for my now wife.”
  5. “Gave her a taste of the good life then dumped her. I know it sounds petty but she really fcked with my emotions and needed some closure.”* ––oilyproman
  6. “Left her on read.” –chillest_dude_
  7. “I walked away without saying anything. I didn’t want to say anything because I would have ended up screaming insults at her. I thought it was best if I just ignored her and don’t give her the time of day.” –aldric864

Silence and Success: The Best Revenge

The common thread among many responses was a choice to refrain from engaging in negativity or confrontation. Respondents opted for silence, indifference, or turning their ex-partners down with respect. The narratives reflect the belief that success, coupled with a dignified response, serves as the most powerful form of revenge.

As the saying goes, silence and success speak volumes, offering closure and satisfaction to those who have overcome challenges and found prosperity.

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