Remembering the Brave: Amit Shah Pays Tribute to Police Martyrs in New Delhi

On ‘Police Commemoration Day,’ Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation Amit Shah, along with other dignitaries, solemnly paid homage to the police martyrs at the National Police Memorial in New Delhi. In a poignant address, the Home Minister acknowledged the sacrifice of 36,250 policemen who laid down their lives in the service of the nation’s internal and border security since independence. He expressed deep gratitude to the families of these martyrs, emphasizing that India’s progress is deeply rooted in their sacrifice, a debt the nation will never forget.

Honoring Sacrifice

Amit Shah underlined the pivotal role of the police force in ensuring internal and border security, emphasizing that their vigilance is paramount for the nation’s safety. He acknowledged the relentless dedication of policemen, who, day or night, summer or winter, festive or regular days, stand guard, often far from their families, ensuring the country’s security. From combating terrorists to maintaining law and order during crises like the pandemic, the police have consistently demonstrated their courage.

Progress and Achievements

Reflecting on recent achievements, the Home Minister noted a significant reduction in terrorism, militant attacks, naxalism, and ethnic violence due to the unwavering efforts of these brave policemen. He also unveiled the government’s plans to introduce three new laws aimed at revamping the outdated British-era legal system, with a focus on transparency and the protection of citizens’ rights. These legislative changes, combined with initiatives like the Police Technology Mission and the Integrated Criminal Justice System (ICJS), seek to expedite justice and enhance the efficiency of the criminal justice system.

Commitment to Modernization

Shah praised the police forces for their remarkable work in disaster management, both at the national and international levels, through organizations like the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF). He stressed the Modi government’s commitment to a Zero Tolerance policy against terrorism, entailing the enactment of stringent laws and the modernization of the police through the Police Technology Mission. Additionally, he highlighted welfare initiatives, including changes in healthcare schemes, housing, scholarships, and support services, all designed to enhance the well-being of police personnel and their families.

Symbol of Dedication

The Home Minister underscored that the Police Memorial is not just a symbol but a testament to the dedication and sacrifice of police personnel in nation-building. He assured the nation that the government remains steadfast in its commitment to the welfare of police personnel and their families, recognizing their invaluable contribution to India’s safety and progress.

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