Halting Halal Fraud: UP Government’s Bold Move Against Illicit Certifications

In a bold move, the Uttar Pradesh government, led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, is gearing up to tackle the unauthorized issuance of ‘Halal certificates’ to food and cosmetic products. The Chief Minister, recognizing the potential exploitation of religious sentiments and the risk of stirring discord among communities, has directed stringent actions against this practice.

The suspicion looms that funds acquired illegally through forged documents under the guise of a halal certificate might be funneling into terrorist groups and anti-national activities. The seriousness of the matter is underlined by the filing of an FIR at Hazratganj police station in Lucknow.

Entities such as Halal India Private Limited Chennai, Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind Halal Trust Delhi, Halal Council of India Mumbai, Jamiat Ulama Maharashtra, and others are mentioned in the FIR, accused of exploiting religious sentiments for financial gain by providing Halal certificates to customers of a specific religion. The complaint alleges illegal businesses aimed at boosting sales and generating profits.

Shailendra Kumar Sharma, the complainant, asserts that these entities lack the authority to issue certification and have been involved in preparing forged certificates, fostering not only social animosity but also violating public trust. The concerns raised suggest a potential large-scale conspiracy to decrease sales of products without a Halal certificate, benefiting anti-social and anti-national elements.

The complainant also highlights the dissemination of unrestrained propaganda within a specific section of society, discouraging the use of non-Halal certified products. This, according to the complaint, not only harms the business interests of other communities but also forms part of a pre-planned strategy to sow class hatred, create divisions in society, and weaken the country.

The overarching concern is that such malicious attempts not only seek unfair financial benefits through the issuance of Halal certificates but may also contribute to supporting terrorist organizations and anti-national endeavors. The complaint underscores that institutions like FSSAI and ISI are duly authorized to certify the quality of food products.

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