Goa Unveils Ambitious Tourism Bill to Safeguard Visitors and Preserve Heritage

In a bid to fortify tourist safety measures and uphold the sanctity of its natural and cultural treasures, the Goa state government is poised to introduce a pioneering tourism bill during the forthcoming monsoon session of the state legislative assembly. Entitled “The Goa Tourism Promotion, Management, and Regulation Bill, 2024,” this legislative endeavor seeks to overhaul and consolidate existing tourism statutes, ushering in a new era of resilience and sustainability for Goa’s tourism landscape.

Revolutionizing Tourist Safety: A Dedicated Tourism Safety Force

Central to the proposed legislation is the establishment of a specialized Tourism Safety Force, comprising both law enforcement officers and designated “tourist guards.” Endowed with sweeping powers, including the authority to apprehend individuals for non-bailable and cognizable offenses, conduct thorough searches, confiscate contraband items, amass evidentiary material, and levy fines for infractions related to nuisance and touting, this force represents a formidable deterrent against untoward incidents targeting tourists.

Vigilant Guardians: Role of Tourism Guards

Augmenting the enforcement efforts of the Tourism Safety Force are the Tourism Guards, entrusted with the pivotal task of preempting criminal activities targeting tourists, thwarting illicit drug trade and unauthorized liquor peddling, effecting detentions of violators, and disseminating crucial safety advisories to visitors.

Sweeping Reforms: Repealing Outdated Legislation

The proposed bill heralds the obsolescence of archaic statutes such as the Goa, Daman and Diu Registration of Tourist Trade Act, 1982, and the Goa Tourist Places (Protection and Maintenance) Act, 2001, paving the way for a more streamlined and contemporary regulatory framework.

Promoting Sustainability: Fees and Incentives

In a nod to sustainable tourism practices, the bill introduces a pioneering sustainability fee levied on tourism enterprises, coupled with a suite of incentives aimed at fostering the adoption of eco-friendly initiatives. These incentives encompass waivers on registration fees and financial grants earmarked for the integration of sustainable technologies.

Strategic Oversight: Tourism Board

A dedicated Tourism Board will be entrusted with the pivotal mandate of conducting periodic assessments of tourism clusters’ carrying capacities. In the event of an area surpassing its designated threshold, the board reserves the prerogative to halt new registrations and renewals for tourism enterprises within said locale.

Commitment to Consultation: Soliciting Stakeholder Input

Emphasizing the imperative of stakeholder engagement, Tourism Minister Rohan Khaunte has solicited feedback from a diverse array of constituents, including industry associations, policy advocacy groups, and the general public, underscoring the collaborative ethos underpinning Goa’s tourism policy formulation process.

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