Assam: 30-year-old man abducted, kidnappers post pictures on social media

Guwahati, April 19 (IANS) A relative of an executive member of Assam’s North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council (NCHAC) in Dima Hasao district was allegedly kidnapped by a proscribed group.

The victim is identified as Prasanjit Naiding, the younger brother of Monjit Naiding, Executive Member of NCHAC. He was allegedly kidnapped by a group purportedly named United Dimasa Liberation Army (UDLA).

UDLA also posted a picture of the victim in their custody on social media platforms. The pictures went viral on Friday.

Superintendent of Police in Dima Hasao district, Mayank Kumar told IANS on Friday: “We have also received information about the kidnapping of Naidang. An investigation was launched following a police complaint. However, I can not say much about the matter as of now because the group claiming to kidnap the victim did not have much existence in the region.”

The police officer said that an investigation team has been probing details of the alleged proscribed group.

Meanwhile, the family has lodged a police complaint of kidnapping.

“Prasanjit Naiding, the 30-year-old victim, was recently married,” Kumar added.

Further investigation is underway.



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