AAP’s Raghav Chadha Takes Battle Against Suspension to Supreme Court

Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Member of Parliament Raghav Chadha is not backing down in the face of his suspension from the Rajya Sabha. In a bold move, the 34-year-old parliamentarian has filed a petition with the Supreme Court challenging his suspension, which was imposed during the Monsoon Session following allegations of breaching parliamentary privileges.

The Suspension Saga:

Chadha’s suspension came in response to a breach of privileges complaint lodged by five Rajya Sabha MPs, representing different political parties, including the BJP, AIADMK, and BJD. Their accusation? Chadha allegedly added their names to a select committee without obtaining their consent. This committee was proposed by Chadha to review the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Bill, 2023.

Union Minister’s Accusation:

Union Minister Piyush Goyal did not mince words when addressing Chadha’s actions. He accused the AAP MP of “gross impropriety and misconduct,” asserting that Chadha had failed to uphold the ethical standards expected of a Rajya Sabha member. Goyal’s primary contention was that Chadha had included the names of the five MPs in the select committee without their prior approval.

Chadha’s Response:

In the wake of his suspension, Raghav Chadha has been vocal about his stance. He characterized his suspension as a potent message from the BJP, suggesting that it served as a warning to today’s youth: “If you dare to ask questions, we will crush your voice.” Chadha contended that he had been suspended for his persistent and tough questioning in Parliament regarding the Delhi Services Bill.

Challenging the Status Quo:

By taking his suspension to the Supreme Court, Raghav Chadha is not only seeking justice for himself but also challenging the established order. The outcome of this legal battle is anticipated with great interest, as it holds implications not only for his political future but also for the broader issues of parliamentary conduct and the role of young leaders in questioning the status quo.

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