Maharashtra Launches 104 Helpline and Rs One Lakh Reward to Combat Female Feticide

In a significant stride towards combating female feticide and promoting a healthier sex ratio, the Maharashtra State Government, led by Public Health Minister Prof. Dr. Tanaji Sawant, has introduced a toll-free helpline, 104, dedicated to addressing concerns related to gender-based discrimination. Launched on February 22, 2024, this initiative operates 24/7, allowing citizens to register complaints and seek assistance in cases of female feticide.

The move aligns with the government’s commitment to implementing the Pre-Conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prevention of Sex Selection) Act, 1994, and its 2003 amendment. Since its inception, the helpline has received 1,069 complaints, with 1,064 successfully resolved through the State Family Welfare Office in Pune.

Formerly available at 18002334475, the PCPNDT toll-free helpline has now been integrated into the health department’s helpline number 104, enhancing accessibility for the public. Both helpline numbers will continue to address complaints related to Pre-Conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT).

Complaints lodged through the helpline are processed with utmost confidentiality. However, complainants have the option to disclose their identity. Under the PCPNDT Act, legal action will be initiated against those involved in sex determination based on the processed complaints. Notably, successful complaints leading to the prevention of female feticide may qualify the complainant for a reward of Rs one lakh, a measure championed by Health Minister Prof. Dr. Sawant.

Furthermore, the Department of Health has announced the imminent launch of a dedicated website aimed at preventing female feticide, emphasizing the state’s commitment to eradicating gender-based discrimination and ensuring the well-being of the girl child.

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