From Pedantry to Ambition: Pratap Bhanu Mehta’s Take on India’s National Drive

Renowned political scientist Pratap Bhanu Mehta delves into the significance of India’s new Parliament building and the ambitious spirit that currently defines the nation’s trajectory.

A New Era of Ambition:

As India transitions to a new Parliament building, it signifies a momentous juncture in the country’s Age of Ambition. Amidst immediate democratic challenges, it’s crucial to acknowledge the prevailing emotional tenor of our times: national ambition. The nation is collectively striving to forge a path of innovation and progress, breaking free from a recent past marred by a lack of ambition.

The Era of Amrit Kaal:

Termed as the “Amrit Kaal” or the “Era of Nectar,” this period is marked by a profound redefinition of time, scale, and aesthetics. The extensive public construction projects, sometimes criticized as authoritarian kitsch, are, in reality, channels through which India is rebelling against the limited ambition that has characterized its Public Works Department. The frequent use of terms like “Vishwaguru” or “Mother of Everything” may seem superficial historically, but it effectively fuels the engine of national ambition.

The Art of Political Ambition:

In today’s political landscape, leaders must harness this ambitious impulse to succeed. Prime Minister Modi, in particular, has mastered the art of tapping into the sentiments of elevation and collective pride. Conversely, the opposition finds it challenging to connect with the psychological realm of ambition; their narratives either lean on fear, which pales in comparison to ambition, or a story of failure that is difficult to sell when the state’s expansion is so visibly evident.

Navigating Challenges:

The move to a new parliament building symbolizes a fresh start and an acceleration of ambition. Criticism of this age, lacking a counter-ambition, is often dismissed as mere nitpicking. Ambition, while capable of inspiring righteousness, also ushers in a new era of ruthlessness and unrelenting pragmatism that may sideline dissent, procedural respect, and legislative dignity.

The Imperative of Parliamentarianism:

India’s Parliament has long grappled with internal rule weaknesses, and the relationship between the ruling party and the opposition has further deteriorated. While the transition to a new building may inject vigor into Parliament, it is a challenging juncture for legislatures worldwide. The administrative complexities of modern states often elude legislative oversight, and the very concept of representation remains contested. It is paramount that India’s Parliament remains a representative institution that engages in deliberation and forges a just and workable unity amidst the nation’s diversities.

In the Age of Ambition, it is not merely about having a new parliament building but also about upholding the values of parliamentarianism as India’s new dharma, or way of life.

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