Blue Aadhaar Card for Children: A Step-by-Step Guide on Application and Importance

In a bid to streamline the identification process for children below the age of 5, the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) introduced the Blue Aadhaar Card, also known as Baal Aadhaar Card. This distinctive card serves as a crucial identification document for young children, facilitating access to various government assistance programs and educational opportunities. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to apply for the Blue Aadhaar Card and why it holds significance.

What is the Blue Aadhaar Card?

The Blue Aadhaar Card, or Baal Aadhaar Card, is specifically designed for children below the age of 5. Distinguished by its blue color, this card is valid until the child reaches 5 years old. Unlike regular Aadhaar cards, the Blue Aadhaar Card does not require biometric data for issuance. Instead, it relies on demographic information and the photograph linked with the UID of the parents.

Who Can Apply?

Parents or guardians are eligible to apply for the Baal Aadhaar Card on behalf of their newborns. The application process accepts documentation such as the birth certificate, hospital discharge slip, or the child’s school ID for verification.

Importance of the Blue Aadhaar Card

The Blue Aadhaar Card plays a pivotal role in securing government assistance programs and facilitating the provision of scholarships, especially under the Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) category. Additionally, many schools mandate the presentation of the Blue Aadhaar Card during the admission process.

How to Apply

  1. Online Registration: Visit the UIDAI website and select the Aadhaar card registration option.
  2. Data Entry: Enter the child’s name, the parent or guardian’s phone number, and choose an appointment slot for registration.
  3. Appointment Booking: Book an appointment at the nearest enrollment center, and visit with required documents, including the Aadhaar card, address proof, and the child’s birth certificate.
  4. Document Verification: The document verification process begins at the enrollment center.
  5. Card Issuance: The Blue Aadhaar Card will be issued in the child’s name within 60 days of successful verification.

By following this step-by-step process, parents can ensure that their children have a recognized and valid identification document before they turn 5.

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