Understanding Cancer: Types, Growth, and Treatment Explained by Experts

The shadow of cancer has lingered over humanity for generations, remaining a significant cause of mortality even in the modern era. However, amidst the concerns, there’s a glimmer of hope. From its various manifestations to the factors that set it in motion and the array of treatments available to combat it, this article provides insights from Dr. Nitin Shrivastava, an expert in Urology and a medical professional at AIIMS, England. Dr. Shrivastava offers a comprehensive understanding of cancer.

Defining Cancer Dr. Shrivastava elucidates, “To comprehend cancer, it’s crucial to first grasp the intricate workings of the human body. Our body comprises diverse organs, each with its distinct functions. These organs, in turn, consist of tiny units called cells, each with a specific role. These cells continuously undergo growth, aging, damage, and replacement in a highly regulated process.” According to the National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research, around 2.7 million people in India were estimated to have cancer in 2020, with 1.39 million new cancer cases registered annually.

Dr. Shrivastava further explains, “Cells operate within defined boundaries. For instance, kidney cells are responsible for filtering waste from blood into urine. This functional specificity ensures each organ’s smooth operation without interference.” However, when cells begin dividing uncontrollably, surpassing normal boundaries, issues arise. This unregulated proliferation leads to a mass of dysfunctional cells that accumulate and form a lump, commonly referred to as a tumor.

Categorizing Tumors Tumors are classified as benign or malignant. Benign tumors grow relatively slowly and pose minimal threats, while malignant tumors, or cancers, grow aggressively, often invading neighboring organs and presenting significant health risks.

The Mechanism of Cancer Spread Dr. Shrivastava elaborates, “Cancer’s impact extends beyond its origin. As a tumor grows, it can displace and damage normally functioning cells. Notably, cancer exhibits a distinctive trait – the ability to spread to distant organs, known as metastasis. Cancer cells can travel through the bloodstream or other bodily fluids, implanting themselves in distant organs and leading to secondary cancer growth.”

Metastasis and Advanced Stages Dr. Shrivastava emphasizes, “Metastasis marks the progression of cancer, typically affecting bones, lungs, liver, and the brain. This stage categorizes the disease as advanced or stage 4 cancer. While such a diagnosis might evoke concern, it’s crucial to note that modern medical advancements have revolutionized cancer treatment, even for advanced cases.”

Advanced Cancer Treatment Dr. Shrivastava highlights, “Stage 4 cancers were once deemed incurable, but breakthroughs in medical science have changed this perspective. Innovative treatments such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, stem cell therapy, and radiation therapy have significantly improved the outlook for patients with advanced cancer. These treatments aim not only to extend life but also to enhance its quality.”

The Significance of Early Detection The World Health Organization emphasizes that when cancer treatment is delayed or unavailable, survival chances decrease, treatment-related complications increase, and care costs rise.

During the initial stages, cancer symptoms might not be readily noticeable, making early detection challenging. However, as it progresses, specific symptoms relevant to affected areas might manifest. Early detection is crucial since cancer often follows a pattern – moving from a local point to affecting neighboring regions and eventually spreading extensively. The type of cancer, its location, and its progression are pivotal in determining the optimal treatment strategy.

Cancer Screening While preventing many types of cancer might not always be possible, it’s essential to acknowledge their prevalence. This underscores the importance of recognizing symptoms and undergoing regular screenings and health assessments. Just as individuals routinely monitor heart health, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, incorporating cancer screening tests into health evaluations is equally vital.

Is Cancer Hereditary? Dr. Vineeta Goel, a Cancer Specialist at Fortis Hospital, Delhi, clarifies, “While changes in our genes can cause cancer, they aren’t always inherited from parents. It’s estimated that only 5-10% of cancers are connected to inherited genes. Certain cancers like breast, prostate, colon, ovarian, and uterine cancers might be inherited, but it’s uncommon.”

Facing Cancer with Knowledge While the term ‘cancer’ may evoke fear, approaching it with understanding and composure is essential. Grasping the intricacies of cancer empowers individuals to make informed decisions about treatment. Seeking accurate information, consulting professionals, and tapping into supportive networks can significantly influence one’s journey through cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is provided by a registered healthcare practitioner for informational purposes only. It’s advisable to consult your healthcare provider for a diagnosis tailored to your specific needs.

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