Rani Mukerji’s Miscarriage During COVID Pandemic: Expert Lists Steps to Manage the Trauma of Miscarrying

The COVID-19 pandemic brought forth unique challenges for pregnant women, especially during lockdowns and restricted movement. The pandemic’s impact was felt even more acutely by those who experienced miscarriages during this period, like renowned actress Rani Mukerji. Sharing her own experience sheds light on the emotional and physical toll that miscarriages can have on women’s health. Dr. Surabhi Siddhartha, a Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist at Motherhood Hospital, Kharghar, provides insights on managing the trauma associated with miscarriages and how women can navigate this challenging journey.

The Impact of Miscarriage on Women’s Health

A study published in BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth revealed a significant increase in pregnancy loss, including miscarriages and stillbirths, during the pandemic. Livebirths decreased from 90.2% to 88.9% from 2019-2021, indicating the widespread impact on pregnancies. Dr. Siddhartha emphasizes that miscarriages can have both emotional and physical effects on a woman’s health. Emotionally, women may experience sadness, grief, anxiety, and even depression. Physically, a miscarriage can involve bleeding, pain, and hormonal changes.

Late miscarriages can be particularly challenging, as the emotional bond with the developing fetus may be stronger. Coping with a miscarriage can be isolating and detrimental to mental well-being due to the personal nature of the experience.

Common Physical Effects of Miscarriage

In addition to the emotional toll, miscarriages can lead to various physical effects, including:

Vaginal bleeding lasting up to a week Spotting or light bleeding Lower abdominal pain Bloating and cramping for a few days Breast discomfort and milk leakage for a week

Steps to Manage the Trauma of Miscarriage

Dr. Siddhartha offers valuable steps for women who have experienced a miscarriage to aid their recovery:

  1. Seek Grief Counselling: Professional grief counselling can provide effective strategies for coping and moving forward from the experience. Support groups with women who have similar experiences can help alleviate loneliness and foster a sense of acceptance and understanding.
  2. Comfort Measures: Supportive bras and ice packs can help soothe breast soreness and swelling.
  3. Choose Menstrual Pads: Opt for menstrual pads instead of tampons or cups to manage bleeding and spotting.
  4. Avoid Certain Places: Steer clear of public toilets, swimming pools, spas, or hot tubs to reduce infection risk.
  5. Rest and Relax: Give your body adequate time to heal. Avoid strenuous activities until you’re fully recovered.
  6. Prioritize Mental Health: Engage in calming activities that promote mental well-being, such as relaxation techniques and activities you enjoy.

Overcoming the Trauma of Miscarriage

Dr. Siddhartha underscores the importance of seeking support from healthcare professionals and loved ones to facilitate emotional and physical recovery. While many women ultimately recover from the trauma of miscarriage, the journey requires patience, self-care, and understanding. It’s crucial to allow yourself to grieve and seek out strategies that promote overall well-being. By prioritizing your mental health, engaging in supportive networks, and following appropriate recovery steps, you can navigate the aftermath of a miscarriage and move towards healing.

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