Preserving Nature’s Pharmacy: Aagaaz’s Lodhra Conservation Drive

In the picturesque district of Chamoli, Uttarakhand, the Aagaaz Organisation, in collaboration with women groups from surrounding villages, has embarked on a mission to plant and preserve Lodhra trees. Known for their medicinal properties, these trees play a crucial role in Ayurvedic medicine, with various species offering metabolites that combat a range of diseases.

Aagaaz’s Planting Endeavor: During the last monsoon, Aagaaz Organisation, based in Pipalkoti, planted 2,850 Lodhra saplings, with around 250 of them being safeguarded in the Bio Tourism Park in Pipalkoti. This initiative, supported by women groups from Kiruli, Malla Tangani, Sutol, Kanol, Sunali, Jumla, and Naurakh villages, aims not only to plant trees but also to establish nurseries for collecting seeds from forests.

Preserving the Lodhra Legacy: Sanjay Kunwar, a social worker from Chamoli district, highlighted the challenges of Lodhra seed preservation. The seeds, ripening on the tree, require immediate soaking in lukewarm water before being sown in sandy and loose soil. After a month, the seeds transform into saplings, spending a year in nursery bags before being ready for plantation. Kunwar explained that Lodhra plants grow slowly for the first three years, followed by accelerated growth in the next 5-7 years.

The Medicinal Marvel of Lodhra: Lodhra plants boast medicinal components such as flavonoids, tannin, vetiverol, lodhrol, lodhrin, epicatechin, betulinic acid, and lodhricolic acid, found in the bark and root. The bark contributes to improving bowel-related diseases, regulating hormonal levels in post and pre-menopausal phases, alleviating PCOS symptoms, and maintaining a healthy menstrual cycle. Additionally, Lodhra is recognized for its ulcer-treating properties.

Aagaaz Organisation’s commitment to planting and preserving Lodhra trees not only contributes to environmental sustainability but also safeguards a vital component of traditional medicine. The initiative aligns with the organization’s broader mission of promoting biodiversity and fostering a harmonious relationship between communities and nature.

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