Orange Peels and Heart Health: How to Use Them for Cardiovascular Benefits

Orange Peel Extracts Boost Heart Health Reveals Study: Here’s How You Can Use Them

A new study by the University of Florida (UoF) suggests that orange peels can improve heart health. If this is true, here’s how to use orange peels to reap their benefits.

You might find it surprising that orange peels, typically known for adding zest to cocktails and skincare products, can also improve heart health. According to a study led by the UoF, orange peel extracts, rich in phytochemicals, may help boost cardiovascular health.

How Orange Peels Prevent Heart Disease

Many factors can put your heart at risk, one of which is gut bacteria. A new study by researchers at the Cleveland Clinic and Tufts University found that some gut bacteria, when they break down certain nutrients during digestion, produce a chemical called trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO). Higher levels of TMAO are associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

The UoF study focused on how orange peel extracts impacted the creation of TMAO. Interestingly, the orange peel’s effect wasn’t by changing gut bacteria but by influencing specific enzymes in the body. Researchers separated the orange peel into two parts: one part which dissolves in water and the other which dissolves in oil. They found that consuming the water-soluble part of orange peels, potentially rich in feruloyl putrescine, could reduce the risk of heart disease without affecting the gut bacteria balance.

How To Eat Orange Peels

Most of us are conditioned to discard the peels of vegetables and fruits. However, eating orange peels can have several potential benefits beyond heart health:

Packed with Nutrients

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, orange peels contain more fiber and vitamin C than the fruit’s flesh. They are also a good source of provitamin A, folate, and various minerals.

Potential Cancer Fighter

Many studies, including one by Iranian researchers published in Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, suggest that the antioxidants in orange peels may act as anti-cancer agents.

Digestive Aid

The fiber in orange peels promotes healthy digestion and regular bowel movements.

Boosts Immunity

Vitamin C in orange peels is a well-known immune system booster, helping the body fight infections.

Skincare Benefits

The antioxidants in orange peels may help protect the skin from damage and promote a healthy glow.

How To Use Orange Peel Extracts To Boost Heart Health

While the practical applications of the UoF study are still under development, there are several ways to incorporate orange peels into your diet:

Zest It

Use a zester or fine grater to remove the brightly colored outer layer, avoiding the white pith, which can be bitter. Sprinkle orange zest on yogurt, oatmeal, cakes, muffins, salad dressings, and marinades.

Infuse Your Drinks

Steep orange peels in hot water to make a fragrant citrus tea. You can also add them to cocktails or mocktails for a refreshing twist.

Candied Peels

For a sweet treat, try making candied orange peels. Boil the peels in sugar syrup until soft and translucent. Enjoy them as a snack, chop them up and add them to desserts, or use them to decorate cakes.

Salads and Smoothies

Finely chopped orange peel can add a surprising brightness to salads. Start with a small amount to balance the bitterness. You can also incorporate them into smoothies for a citrusy boost.

The Bottom Line

The UoF study is still in its early phases and requires further research before orange peels can be recommended as a treatment for heart disease. However, there is no harm in enjoying the unique flavor of orange peels, which may also boost your heart and overall health. Always consult a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes, especially if you are considering them as a treatment for diseases.

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