Parijat/Harsingar Plant : Your Gateway to Positive Energies and Wellness

The parijat tree, also known as Harsingar or Raat ki Raani, removes negativity from your house and keeps the ambiance tranquil. Learn more about its Vastu placement and the benefits of having a parijat tree.

Unveiling the Beauty and Significance of the Parijat Tree

Commonly known as the ‘Night Blooming Jasmine’ in English, the parijat tree is an ornamental plant for indoor decor that has immense Vastu and medicinal value. In Homeopathy and Ayurveda, this plant and its flowers hold great importance, often grown in foliage and appreciated for their sweet-smelling floral charm. The plant bears small white flowers with a small orange center and is in full bloom from late September until the end of December.

Parijat Tree in Vastu Shastra

Many Vastu Shastra-approved plants can be kept at home, but this blog focuses on the parijat tree. This tree not only bears a pleasant-smelling flower but is considered to be very auspicious as an addition to your living space. These flowers are collected and used in puja and aartis, while keeping the plant at home as a Vastu-approved plant is also recommended. This blog will focus on the parijat tree as a whole: the parijat tree uses, the parijat tree benefits, the right care it needs, and the correct way to place it at home.

Harsingar or Parijat Tree And Its Use As Per Vastu Shastra

A lot of people have started keeping indoor plants like the parijat tree or harsingar plant at home these days. These plants and trees are more than home decor objects. People today are more vigilant about good and bad energies, thus, they are more careful about what they should keep at home. Plants have always held a significant position in Vastu Shastra. Similar to the concept of Feng Shui, which encourages growing plants in the living space, Vastu Shastra follows the same concept to add positivity and good energy to your home.

The auspiciousness of this plant lies in the fact that it is considered to be very precious to Goddess Laxmi. It is said that this plant can truly transform your home into a welcoming abode for her. This particular quality of the parijat tree brings peace, prosperity, happiness, and good health to all within the house. When placed in the right direction, the plant can bring a positive vibe to your home and relax the mind with its sweet aroma.

Right Direction To Place Parijat Tree In Your Home

A lot of books claim to tell you the directions in which the tree should be placed for a more favorable vibe at home. The following pointers have been framed to help you get a better view of which direction is the best to place the harsingar plant or parijat tree at home:

  • According to Vastu Shastra, the Harsingar or parijat tree should always be placed either at the east or north-facing side of your house. This will ensure that all bad omens and energies are removed from your home, filling your living space with positivity and tranquility.
  • The west or northwest direction can also be an ideal direction to place your parijat tree at home.
  • However, placing the tree facing south should strictly be avoided as per Vastu Shastra, because this is the direction from where Yama, the god of death, travels.
  • If you have a courtyard tulsi plant or a temple in your courtyard or terrace, you can also plant a tree near this place. This will not only allow wealth to enter your house but will cleanse the sins of your family.

Once the tree has been planted or placed in the right direction, it is best to know the parijat tree benefits or the parijat tree uses that they offer.

Vastu Benefits Of Parijat Tree or Harsingar Plant

Besides being a harbinger of peace and prosperity at home, there are multiple Vastu benefits of the parijat tree. Some of them are as follows:

Parijat Tree Benefit #1: Wards Off Negative Energy

Vastu Shastra says that having this tree at home will eradicate all negative vibrations from the house. The swell-smelling fragrance of its flowers soothes the mind, relieves mental stress, and provides relaxation to the soul.

Parijat Tree Benefit #2: Invites Goddess Laxmi Home

According to Vastu Shastra, no energy can prevent Goddess Laxmi from residing in a house where the parijat tree is planted. Wealth is believed to flow through the house, and there will be no lack of money in the family. There is a reason why the parijat tree is known to be a favorite of Goddess Laxmi. During the churning of the oceans, this plant was the 11th out of the 14 gems that came out, along with the goddess herself. This is also why in Laxmi puja, these little flowers are used for aarti and her welcoming.

Parijat Tree Benefit #3: Long Life Of The Family Members

It is said that when placed in the right direction of a household, this plant can increase the longevity of the members of the family. It also cleanses the members of their previous sins.

Parijat Tree Benefit #4: Placing It Near A Temple Brings Good Fortune

It is said that the parijat tree was created from the churning of the ocean, and Lord Indra kept it in Swarg Vatika, meaning where the heavenly gods’ abode. Planting this tree near a courtyard temple or where there is a tulsi plant will bring great harmony and peace among the family members and will help each one gain merit.

Health Benefits of Parijat Tree or Harsingar Tree

Other than the Vastu benefits, there are several medicinal or health benefits of the night flower or Parijat tree. The following are the health benefits of the Parijat tree:

Arthritis: Leaves of the Parijat tree or Harsingar effectively relieve painful conditions caused by osteoarthritis. Consuming the powder of the leaves of Parijat helps in relieving the pains caused by arthritis.

Sciatica: For sciatica, the 10 to 20 ml juice of Parijaat leaves will help restore the Vata dosha and relieve the pain caused by sciatica. It is ideal to consume the juice mixed with water before meals.

Fever: The Parijaat is equally effective in treating fever caused by the accumulation of toxins in the body. Mix Parijaat tree leaves with other herbs and consume the tea to reduce fever.

Indigestion: The powder of Parijaat tree leaves helps relieve indigestion caused by undigested food due to low digestive fire. The Parijaat tree leaves improve the digestive fire.

Diabetes: One of the biggest benefits of consuming Parijaat tree leaves is that it helps reduce blood sugar levels. The consumption of Parijaat tree leaves removes toxins and improves digestion, thus, restoring the balance of the pancreas and insulin level of the body.

Harsingar Plant or Parijat Tree – Other Benefits and Uses

Apart from the benefits in accordance with Vastu Shastra, the parijat tree is also known to have certain specific medicinal values, making every part of the tree very important to the world of Ayurveda:

  • Mixed with honey, the juice of this plant’s leaves can be a remedy for chronic, wheezing cough.
  • For respiratory problems or gastric troubles, the flowers of this tree are highly beneficial.
  • For deadly snake bites, backache, or joint pains, the stem of this plant is considered for good use.
  • The flowers from the parijat tree are highly useful for diabetic patients to keep their glucose levels in check.
  • For relieving the throat of dry cough, this tree is used.
  • The extract taken from the plant’s flowers can be used for relieving stomach aches.
  • The seeds taken from the tree are used in eradicating dandruff and pesky lice.
  • The leaves and flowers of the tree act as immunostimulants.

How To Take Care Of and Maintain Parijat Trees At Home

Parijat trees are very suitable for growth in the Indian atmosphere in every household if the following tips are followed for better care and maintenance:

Temperature: The ideal temperature for parijat trees to grow is 20 to 25 degrees Celsius, making it perfect for the Indian climate. This tree cannot survive for a long time in colder temperatures.

Soil: Parijat trees require soil that can drain out completely by keeping the roots damp. This is why they can grow abundantly in open soil or a pot that is filled with drainage soil and has a sufficiently big drainage hole at the bottom. The pH value of the soil should be between 5.3 and 7.6 for a healthy plant.

Water: Although water is important for these trees to grow, standing water in pots is not ideal for the growth of these plants. Proper drainage of water is mandatory. During hot, sultry days, the trees require more water than on cool, chilly days. 200ml of water should be poured into the pots when the top 1 or 2 inches of the soil feels dry and crumbly.

Sunlight: Harsingar tree requires at least 6 hours of sunlight daily. These trees should be planted in open spaces. If kept at home as per Vastu Shastra, it should be placed near windows that require plenty of sunshine.

Summing Up Vastu for Parijat Tree or Harsingar Plant

The Parijat tree or harsingar plant is considered to be very opportune as it brings peace and prosperity to the household that plants it. According to Vastu, planting this tree at home in the right direction will fill your house with happiness and good fortune. If you are a Vastu believer or have faith in such matters, you should consider the uses of parijat tree benefits and plant them in your house. It will be a wonderful addition to home decor and is a beautiful gift from Mother Nature.

Frequently asked questions

1. In which direction should a parijat tree be planted at home according to Vastu?

Parijat trees should always be planted in the North or east direction of your house. West and northeast directions are also suitable for placing parijat trees.

2. Can a parijat tree be kept at home?

Yes, parijat trees hold great importance religiously and have medicinal properties. The flowers, stem, and leaves of the tree are used as an effective measure against dengue, stomach infections, and respiratory issues. Mythologically, it is also believed that Goddess Laxmi resides in the house where parijat trees are planted.

3. Is a parijat tree considered to be auspicious?

Harsingar or commonly known as ‘Raat ki Rani,’ parijat trees are propitious because they are believed to be plants of heaven. Growing this tree at home is considered to be a boon for newlywed couples. According to folklore, the flowers of the parijat tree were a gift from Lord Krishna to his wives as a symbol of love and fertility.

4. What is so special about a parijat tree?

Unlike most flowers that bloom in the morning, flowers of a parijat tree bloom after dusk or late at night. As the first rays of sunlight hit, the flowers fall on the ground. This is why, in the wee hours of the morning, you may see the land surrounding a parijat tree laden with sweet-smelling white flowers. This is the only flower that can be used for religious purposes by picking them up from the ground.

5. What is the importance of a parijat tree?

Besides being used in veneration, this tree has medicinal properties. It is used as a home remedy to cure several diseases by providing relief. Mixed with raw honey, the juices of the leaves of this plant can be used to relieve dry cough and cold. It is good for the heart and is often used as a home remedy for the diagnosis of piles.

6. Are the flowers of a parijat tree edible?

In Bengali and Assamese cultures, the flowers of a parijat tree are called ‘Shefali phool.’ These flowers are edible and can be fried and eaten. Although it tastes bitter, consuming these flowers is known to have medicinal properties and can provide effective relief against a variety of ailments.

7. How can I use parijat tree leaves for joint pain?

According to Ayurveda, the leaves of parijat trees are excellent for relieving arthritis pain. Adding 4-6 drops of parijat tree essential oil in pure coconut oil and massaging the knees and the affected area is proven to be an excellent remedy against arthritis pain.

8. Can I cut a parijat tree?

Since the flowers are in full bloom from late September to mid-December, the plant should be pruned at least once a year during the summer months. Pruning the old branches and leaves will ensure that the plant grows back healthy with new leaves and branches for the upcoming bloom season.


The parijat tree, also known as Harsingar or Raat ki Raani, is a symbol of positivity, auspiciousness, and beauty in many cultures. By following the Vastu guidelines and taking care of this tree, you can not only enhance the aesthetics of your home but also invite positive energies and health benefits into your life. So, whether you are a Vastu enthusiast or someone looking to beautify their living space, the parijat tree is a wonderful choice.

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