Declining Nutrition: ICAR Study Reveals Rice and Wheat Low in Value, High in Toxins

In a groundbreaking study reported by Down To Earth magazine, scientists from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) have unveiled shocking revelations about the nutritional value of two major staples in India – rice and wheat. Contrary to their status as dietary staples, the study indicates that these grains are low in food value and high in toxins, posing potential health risks to the population.

The research, led by ICAR scientists Sovan Debnath (a soil scientist) and 11 others, along with contributions from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya in West Bengal, focused on the nutrient profiles of rice and wheat. The study reveals a significant decline in essential micronutrients, with zinc and iron decreasing by 33% and 27% in rice and 30% and 19% in wheat, respectively.

The most alarming discovery is the presence of large concentrations of arsenic in rice, reaching up to 1493%. This stark decline in nutritional content is compounded by the fact that both rice and wheat have lost up to 45% of their food value over the past 50 years, raising concerns about their viability for human consumption by 2040, according to the study’s estimates.

The researchers also highlight the potential health impacts of these changes in nutrient profiles, warning that the impoverished nutritional content in staple grains could exacerbate the prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the country. NCDs, which include conditions not primarily caused by acute infections, often result in long-term health consequences requiring extended treatment and care.

The study sheds light on the unintended consequences of the Green Revolution, acknowledging its role in achieving food security but underscoring the compromise on nutritional security. Breeding programs focusing on high-yielding varieties have altered the nutrient profiles of rice and wheat, diminishing their dietary significance and posing long-term risks to public health.

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