Dada J.P. Vaswani’s Legacy Celebrated: Pune’s Commemorative Stamp Unveiling

“Dada J.P. Vaswani Commemorative Stamp Unveiled: Honoring a Life of Inspiration and Love in Pune”

In a momentous ceremony that held deep significance for India and the Sadhu Vaswani Mission, the Honorable Governor of Maharashtra, Ramesh Bais, unveiled a commemorative postage stamp as a heartfelt tribute to Dada J.P. Vaswani. The event was graced by esteemed ministerial dignitaries, including the Minister of State for Communication, Devusinh Chauhan, and MLA Shankar Lalwani. Prior to the ceremony, these dignitaries had the privilege of visiting the Darshan Museum, a cutting-edge museum dedicated to portraying the life and teachings of the venerable saint, Sadhu T.L. Vaswani.

The ceremony commenced with the resonant strains of the National Anthem, followed by the State Song. All dignitaries gathered on the stage lit a ceremonial lamp to mark the auspicious occasion. A special felicitation of the Honorable Governor and other dignitaries was conducted, with Didi Krishna Kumari, Executive Head of Sadhu Vaswani Mission, leading the honors.

Subsequently, an audio-visual presentation on the life and legacy of Dada J.P. Vaswani was screened. Didi Krishna Kumari warmly welcomed the attendees and expressed heartfelt gratitude for their contributions that led to the issuance of the commemorative postage stamp. She eloquently spoke about Dada, emphasizing, “Dada’s life is his message. He did not merely teach or preach; instead, he exemplified every ideal through his daily actions. His twin messages to us were clear: center your life around God and build your life within Him.” This was followed by a recorded audio-visual presentation featuring Dada J.P. Vaswani, focusing on the message of love. He emphatically stated, “Nations and individuals alike must embrace love, or else face decline! Let love shine in everyday life! Unveil the seven colors of love: patience, kindness, humility, forgiveness, desirelessness, sacrifice, and universality.”

Addressing the gathering, Minister of State for Communication Devusinh Chauhan remarked, “We consider ourselves blessed that India Post has the privilege of releasing a commemorative stamp in homage to Dadaji. Dada’s persona is so profound that the mere thought of him compels us to bow before his wisdom. Dada’s teachings remind us that, despite our era of technology and progress, spiritual growth remains paramount. His life continues to inspire us. Our true homage to him lies in walking the path of his teachings and ideals.”

The highlight of the event occurred at 12:50 hrs when the Honorable Governor officially unveiled the commemorative postage stamp dedicated to Dada J.P. Vaswani. Additionally, he released two books authored by Dada: “Nark Se Swarg Tak,” a translation of ‘From Hell to Heaven,’ and ‘Swatah Saksham Bana,’ a translation of ‘Empower Yourself.’

Taking the stage, the Chief Guest, Honorable Governor Ramesh Bais, addressed the audience, stating, “Maharashtra has been the birthplace of many revered saints. Dadaji, akin to Swami Vivekananda, was a harbinger of peace and harmony in Maharashtra. His Mission serves humanity impartially, transcending barriers of caste, creed, or race. Today, we convene to contemplate his teachings and pay homage to him through the issuance of this commemorative postage stamp. I bow in reverence to him and salute his humanitarian endeavors.”

The ceremony drew to a close with a vote of thanks.

The commemorative stamp will soon be available at local India Post offices, allowing people to cherish and commemorate the enduring legacy of Dada J.P. Vaswani.

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