Pune: Man does video shooting after forcing wife to dance naked

Pune Crime News

PUNE: A shocking incident of a man doing a video shooting after forcing his wife to dance naked after having an unnatural intercourse after showing her a blue film, has come to light. The Samarth police have registered an FIR against her husband. A 31-year-old woman has lodged a complaint (185/23) at the Samarth police station.

According to the police, the complainant had got married in 2015. Her husband used to show her blue films and have unnatural sex with her. Later, he used to force her to dance naked and used to do video shooting. After she opposed her husband doing video shooting, he threatened to make it viral. After this incident, she went to her parents’ house and after observing that there was no one in the house, he tried to rape her.

The complaint states that the accused sent a letter to her sister’s office alleging that she was operating a sex racket.
API Waghmare is probing the case.

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