Satara-Kas Road Closure for Rock Removal: Ensuring Safety Amidst Landslide Threat

Kolhapur: In a bid to avert potential landslide threats and ensure public safety, the district administration has announced the closure of the stretch of road between Satara city and Kas plateau via the Yewateshwar ghat section. The closure is scheduled for Monday as the authorities plan to remove dangerous rocks that could pose risks to commuters and residents in the area. The decision comes in the wake of heavy rainfall and the looming danger of landslides.

Resident deputy collector, Prashant Auti, expressed concerns about the safety of life and property, particularly in the Sambarwadi area where the presence of precarious rocks could lead to landslides. In response to the potential risk, the district administration, in collaboration with the public works department, has undertaken the task of breaking and removing these dangerous rocks in the Yewateshwar ghat area.

To ensure the safety of the public during the rock removal process, the ghat section, spanning from the tunnel near Satara city to Kas plateau, will remain closed from Sunday night at 11.59 pm till Monday night at 11.59 pm.

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