Pune: Woman Reports Abusive Ex-Boyfriend for Continuous Harassment at Sinhagad Road Police Station

Pune Crime News

Pune: Yesterday, a 32-year-old girl from Bhor Taluka filed a complaint against a young man for assaulting and misbehaving with her. She complained of molestation and physical and emotional harassment against a person at the Sinhagad Road police station.

The accused is identified as Kunal Chandrakant Suryavanshi, 35, and is a resident of Bibvewadi, Pune. The accused and the plaintiff were in a relationship with each other. However, after they broke up earlier last year, the plaintiff cut all relations with the accused, deleting his mobile number from her phone.

However, a few days ago, the accused suddenly called the victim and asked her for a meeting. When the girl refused his request, the accused purportedly chased the plaintiff on Sunday afternoon, January 28. He then waylaid her while she was passing from the service road in front of the Gavgada Hotel in Narhe and took her to a hotel for lunch, saying he wanted to talk to her.

When they were sitting in a hotel, the plaintiff was getting continuous calls from her friends, as she had planned to meet them. Enraged by this, the accused forcibly grabbed the plaintiff’s phone from her and abused her, alleging she was cheating on him. He then even took her bike’s key and told her that if she did not agree to get back into the relationship with him, he would not give her the key and phone.

After that, the accused abused and assaulted the victim and then went somewhere, taking her phone and bike. Following the incident, the victim girl lodged a complaint against the accused at Sinhagad Road police station late at night. Based on her complaint, the police booked the accused under IPC 354d, 327, 341, 323, 504, and 506 and launched an investigation for the accused.

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