Pune: RTO Cracks Down on Violations – 42 School Vehicles Without Valid Permit Penalized

Pune RTO

In a proactive move aimed at ensuring the safety and adherence to transportation regulations, the Regional Transport Office (RTO) in Pune has launched a special drive targeting vehicles found in violation of established norms within the district. This comprehensive initiative extends to addressing vehicles involved in ferrying school children without the requisite permits, amongst other violations.

The RTO’s flying squads swung into action, apprehending a total of 42 vehicles on a single day for the serious offense of transporting students without valid permits. The safety and security of school-going children are paramount, and this stringent action underlines the commitment to uphold transportation standards.

Furthermore, the RTO officials also took action against goods vehicles that were found carrying materials without the mandated tarpaulin cover. In total, 86 such vehicles faced penalties for non-compliance during this crackdown.

Not stopping there, the vigilant flying squads extended their reach to autorickshaws operating within the region, scrutinizing them for various violations. This resulted in the identification of 54 autorickshaws that were operating in contravention of established norms.

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