Pune: Punekars Go All Out for Fancy Number Plates, Spending Lakhs in Auctions

Pune RTO

Pune: Despite strict prohibitions by law, the allure of unique and attractive number plates continues to captivate motorists, with Punekars leading the pack in this trend. Recent revelations have shed light on the staggering amount spent by Pune residents to secure their desired registration numbers, amounting to lakhs of rupees.

The frenzy surrounding these sought-after number plates reached new heights during the launch of the latest number series for two-wheelers and four-wheelers at the Pune Regional Transport Office (Pune RTO). Before the official release of the series, an auction was held for these eye-catching number plates, drawing a robust response from Pune’s vehicle owners.

Motorists in Pune were not hesitant to go the extra mile, with some shelling out three times the standard fee for cars and competing fiercely in the auctions to bag their preferred numbers. The bidding wars witnessed participants spending lakhs to clinch the digits of their choice, adding an extravagant touch to their vehicles.

The top spots in the auction were grabbed by numbers that clearly struck a chord with Punekars. The number ‘1212’ emerged as the undisputed favorite, fetching a staggering bid of approximately 1 lakh 80 thousand rupees. Not far behind, the number ‘7000’ commanded a bid of 1 lakh 1 thousand rupees, reflecting the passion of vehicle owners for their preferred sequences.

Other noteworthy bids included ‘0011’ securing a substantial offer of Rs 81,786 and ‘0005’ being valued at 76,101 rupees, further underscoring the fervor surrounding these personalized registrations.

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