Pune Police Investigate Rs. 70 Lakh Medical Admission Scam Targeting Retired Man


Fraudster Exploits Victim’s Hope for Son’s Education, Promising False Connections

Pune News : The Vishrambaug police in Pune have launched an investigation into a disturbing case involving the alleged defrauding of a retired private company employee to the tune of Rs 70 lakh. The victim, residing in Kasba Peth and aged 60, fell prey to a fraudulent scheme promising admission for his son into a private medical college.

Deception Unveiled:

  • The suspect, a 32-year-old individual hailing from Ambegaon, purported to possess influential connections and offered to secure admission for the victim’s son.
  • To gain the victim’s trust, the suspect provided a blank cheque and initiated a series of financial transactions, ostensibly for various admission-related expenses.

Exploiting Trust for Gain:

  • Over a span of two years, the victim transferred Rs 59 lakh online and provided an additional Rs 11 lakh in cash to the suspect, who claimed the funds were necessary for form filling, registration fees, college charges, and other purported expenses.
  • Despite assurances from the suspect, the promised admission never materialized, resulting in the loss of a year for the victim’s son and prompting the victim to seek legal recourse.

Seeking Justice:

  • Upon realizing the deception, the victim approached the Vishrambaug police and lodged a complaint against the fraudster, triggering an investigation into the fraudulent activities.

Police Pursue Justice:

  • The Pune police are diligently investigating the case to apprehend the perpetrator and bring him to justice, ensuring accountability for the financial and emotional harm inflicted on the victim and his family.

As the investigation unfolds, authorities emphasize the importance of vigilance and caution when dealing with promises of academic opportunities, urging citizens to verify credentials and seek official channels for admissions.

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