Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) Launches Comprehensive Anti-Rabies Campaign

The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has taken proactive steps to combat the prevalence of rabies in Pune city by initiating a robust anti-rabies campaign. Dr. Sarita Funde, Veterinary Superintendent at PMC, emphasized that the primary objective of this campaign is to completely eradicate rabies not only from Pune but also from the entire country. The campaign focuses on raising awareness among citizens about rabies and providing guidance on appropriate actions to take if bitten by a stray dog or cat. The central ministry has provided directives to ensure the vigorous implementation of this campaign across Pune city.

Collaborative Efforts for a Rabies-Free Environment

In this ambitious endeavor, several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and associations have joined hands with the PMC to make this campaign a success. The collaboration aims to garner widespread participation from various quarters, including individuals, NGOs, and more. Dr. Funde highlighted the importance of collective efforts in achieving the campaign’s objectives.

Stray Dog Vaccination Efforts

To illustrate the scale of the campaign’s impact, data shared by Dr. Funde highlights the number of anti-rabies vaccines administered to stray dogs from 2018 to June 2023 in Pune city:

  • 2018-19: 11,231 vaccines administered in collaboration with Blue Cross Society/Animal Welfare Association
  • 2019-20: 19,630 vaccines administered in collaboration with Blue Cross Society/Animal Welfare Association
  • 2020-21: 14,137 vaccines administered in collaboration with Universal Animal Welfare Society
  • 2021-22: 13,148 vaccines administered in collaboration with Universal Animal Welfare Society
  • 2022-23: 31,133 vaccines administered in collaboration with Universal Animal Welfare Society
  • 2023-24 (up to June 2023): 13,217 vaccines administered in collaboration with Universal Animal Welfare Society

Stray Cat Vaccination Efforts

For stray cats, the vaccination efforts have been as follows:

  • 2022-23: 1,807 vaccines administered in collaboration with Universal Animal Welfare Society
  • 2023-24 (up to June 2023): 1,025 vaccines administered in collaboration with Universal Animal Welfare Society

Empowering Public Health and Safety

Asha Ambekar, the Founder of Shashwat Foundation in Pune, expressed the foundation’s active participation in conducting anti-rabies vaccination drives across various parts of the city. The collaboration with the Universal Animal Welfare Society, the PMC’s ABC (Animal Birth Control) implementing agency, enables Shashwat Foundation to ensure annual vaccination of community animals. These efforts contribute significantly to promoting public health measures and fostering a harmonious coexistence between humans and animals.

PMC’s Vision for a Rabies-Free Future

PMC envisions a Pune where rabies is eliminated, and the well-being of animals and citizens is secured. This comprehensive anti-rabies campaign aims to accomplish this goal through sustained efforts, collaborative partnerships, and community participation. As PMC takes this significant stride towards a rabies-free environment, it invites the support and engagement of all stakeholders in realizing this shared vision.

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