Pune: Court Orders FIR Against Animal Husbandry Officer For Alleged Molestation of Deaf Girl

Pune Sessions Court

In a significant development on the 5th of September 2023, the Judicial First-Class Magistrate (JFMC) Court in Shivaji Nagar, Pune, issued a pivotal order that has sent ripples through the community. The court has instructed the Bund Garden Police to file a First Information Report (FIR) against Dr. Shivaji Vidhate, an officer from the Animal Husbandry department at Zila Parishad, Pune. This FIR stems from a harrowing incident involving the alleged molestation of a physically challenged girl under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including 354, 420, 504, 506, and 509, implicating charges of cheating and outraging the modesty of the victim.

The incident that has sparked this legal action dates back to the 9th of December 2021, unfolding within the confines of the Zila Parishad premises during regular working hours. Dr. Vidhate, in his official capacity, summoned the young woman into his office ostensibly for a discussion concerning work-related matters. However, what transpired within those walls was a shocking violation of trust. The accused, suddenly and without warning, insisted that the victim display her hand. She reluctantly complied from a distance, but to her horror, Dr. Vidhate forcibly seized her hand and demanded her mobile phone. What ensued was a distressing episode marked by inappropriate comments and unwarranted physical advances.

The gravity of the situation compelled the victim to act swiftly. She courageously reported the incident to the Bund Garden Police Station, hoping for justice to be served. In response to her plea, the police formed a Vishaka Committee to investigate the incident thoroughly. Shockingly, during the committee’s proceedings, Dr. Vidhate reportedly admitted to the act of touching the victim’s hand. Despite this shocking admission, an FIR was not registered at the time, leaving the victim disillusioned and disheartened.

In the face of such adversity and the failure of due process, the victim chose to seek legal redress. She approached the Honorable JFMC Court, where her case was heard by the esteemed Judge Chandrashela Patil. After careful examination of the facts and the gravity of the situation, the court issued a directive that has shaken the local community and sent a clear message: justice will be served. Advocate Krantilal Sahane, representing the victim, emphasized the importance of this landmark decision, highlighting that it is a step towards ensuring the safety and dignity of every individual, especially those who may be more vulnerable in society.

The FIR against Dr. Shivaji Vidhate marks a significant turning point in this distressing case, offering hope to survivors of similar incidents and reaffirming the principles of justice, equality, and protection for all. As the legal proceedings unfold, this case will serve as a reminder that no one is above the law, and justice will prevail.

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