PM Modi Raises Alarm Over Spread of Fake Videos, Accuses Opposition of Inciting Unrest

In a fervent address during a campaign rally in support of BJP nominee Udayanraje Bhonsle, Prime Minister Narendra Modi voiced concerns over the proliferation of fake videos aimed at sowing discord and chaos in the nation, particularly as the election season heats up.

Allegations Against Opposition

  • PM Modi leveled accusations against the opposition, asserting that certain elements are resorting to underhanded tactics to destabilize the country. He claimed that instead of engaging in constructive political discourse, these forces are resorting to disseminating fabricated videos on social media platforms to incite public unrest.
  • Modi specifically highlighted the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to create deceptive videos, labeling it as a worrisome development. He pointed out that fake videos featuring prominent political figures, including himself, Amit Shah, J.P. Nadda, and BJP chief ministers, are being circulated with the malicious intent of stoking animosity among the populace.

Urging Vigilance and Action

  • Encouraging vigilance among the public, PM Modi urged citizens to remain vigilant and promptly report any instances of fake videos to law enforcement authorities. He emphasized the importance of exercising caution while sharing such content, warning against the potential legal ramifications that innocent individuals may face.
  • Modi called upon the Election Commission to take decisive action against those responsible for propagating fake videos, underscoring the need to uphold the integrity of the electoral process.

Political Strategy and Critique

  • Accusing the Congress party of orchestrating a campaign aimed at disrupting the upcoming elections, PM Modi highlighted alleged attempts by the opposition to stoke social tensions for political gain. He criticized the Congress for its purported introduction of religion-based reservation systems and leadership crisis, contrasting it with the BJP’s commitment to national development.
  • Emphasizing his government’s focus on delivering social justice, Modi lamented the opposition’s purported obstruction of the rights of marginalized communities over the past six decades.

In Shorts

As India braces itself for the upcoming elections, PM Modi’s remarks underscore the heightened tensions surrounding the dissemination of misinformation and the need for vigilance in safeguarding the democratic process. With accusations flying and political stakes at an all-time high, the battle against fake news and deceptive propaganda remains a critical aspect of the electoral landscape.

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